"The Republican Party should not be seen as part owners of this. I don't think the Republican Party should do anything to salvage this. I don't think there's anything in it for them to be seen as working with the Democrats to make this work... What the Republicans need to be doing is taking advantage of all of this chaos. It's unconstitutional. What's happening here is not happening according to the law. The Republicans ought to be working to scrap this. They ought to be working to repeal this. That's what a majority of the American people want!"Rush also emphasized how this is "made-to-order for a party that wants to come back to life"...if the Republican Party would just seize the opportunity...
"The Republicans need to be pushing for total repeal. And they should settle for nothing that helps fix this. They should not...be seen as part of the fix, when this is causing the Democrat Party and Obama's precious relationship with the American people to unravel. The same people who just a month ago were saying, 'Don't do anything, Ted, don't do anything, Mike, just stand aside, it's going to implode.' They're now saying, 'We could be watching the end of liberalism.' ... Well if we are, don't try to fix this!"
Now more specifically, the Upton bill is a profoundly bad idea, Republicans...it's a trap!
RedState: In passing Fred Upton’s legislation, which the Democrats will counter with the Landrieu plan, the GOP will in one fell swoop be tied to:When Fred Upton says he supports Mary Landrieu’s bill, which is in turn supported by Barack Obama, then that should tell you all you need to know about how useful such a bill is towards killing Obamacare. It's not.
You know that last one will happen. And you don’t think this is a trap?
- Declaring it okay to use mandates;
- Massive new increases in healthcare rates;
- The reelection of Mary Landrieu; and,
- An eventual bipartisan compromise that fixes Obamacare instead of replacing it.
Related links: In September, Obama Mocked GOP for "Crazy" Obamacare Predictions -- Now He's Desperate to Save Himself in 2014
Bullied Republicans Must Insist on Repeal, Resist Pitfall of Becoming Part of Phony Fix
UPDATE: Looks like they didn't listen as usual...
RollCall: The House easily passed Republican legislation on Friday allowing insurers to keep offering old insurance plans for another year in response to President Barack Obama’s broken “if you like it, you can keep it” promise.Fortunately, Obama may save them!
The bill passed 261-157 with all but four Republicans joined by 39 Democrats backing the bill sponsored by Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, R-Mich.
TheHill: The White House issued a formal veto threat Thursday night of a bill offered by House Republicans that would allow insurance companies to continue offering health plans that existed before the beginning of the new year.Related links: Wait…Didn’t Republicans Beat Up Conservatives For That?
The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), was passed by the House Friday in a 261-157 vote.
In a statement from the Office of Management and Budget, the administration argues the law is intended to “sabotage” ObamaCare.
“[The bill] rolls back the progress made by allowing insurers to continue to sell new plans that deploy practices such as not offering coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, charging women more than men, and continuing yearly caps on the amount of care that enrollees receive,” the statement said.
Levin says Upton's show vote diverts from where the focus should reside: REPEAL!
TheRightScoop: Mark Levin called the vote on Fred Upton’s bill today a show vote, arguing that instead Republicans should be telling the American people that repealing Obamacare is the way to get their health care back.Related link: Mark Levin: Upton's 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' Not Such A Bright Idea