Levin EXPLODES over democratic tyranny coming Thursday on gun control vote (UPDATE)
Without any public deliberations, much less the proper amendment processes, the Senate is going to vote to change the Second Amendment come Thursday...and among the many others in this nation, Levin has had it!
"An up and down vote on the 2nd Amendment is unconstitutional!"
WSJ: The full U.S. Senate will take its first vote on gun-control legislation since the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., on Thursday, when Democrats are expected to defeat a Republican effort to block the bill from coming to the floor.
"We need to move to this legislation," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) told reporters. "I've said for months now the American people deserve a vote."
Senate Democrats appear likely to have the 60 votes needed to advance the bill after a number of Republicans said they didn't plan to join an effort fueled by tea-party backed lawmakers to filibuster any effort for consideration of gun legislation this month deemed as infringing constitutional rights.
UPDATE: Here's the NAMES of the eight Republican geniuses who are going to side with Democrats to prevent a filibuster over constitutional usurpation:
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
Susan Collins of Maine
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
John McCain of Arizona
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania
Mark Kirk of Illinois