Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Budget FAIL!

Obama has doubled down on his obscene deficit by adding to the unsustainable national debt with his multi-trillion dollar budget plan.
“Obama budget: Some cuts, not the slashes GOP asks“ by Andrew Taylor
“Obama’s Spending Spree: By the Numbers” by Andrew Stiles

This morning, Obama gave a presser in which he said the government has to start “living within its means.” Huh?!  Your budget does NOTHING to accomplish that, Barry. You don’t need a scalpel, you need an AX!

All of this while we’re being told that the government debt WILL EXCEED the U.S. economy!
“Federal deficit on track for a record this fiscal year” by Stephen Dinan

Paul Ryan had discussed this on The Mark Levin Show yesterday…he and Rep. Sessions blast Obama’s ‘punt’ on another budget that “spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.”
“Sessions, Ryan: President failed on budget” by Jeff Sessions and Paul Ryan

Heritage gives us a clear look at the contradiction in word and deed that is Barack Obama and his budgetary disaster…
“President Obama’s 2012 Budget Builds on Failures of the Past” by J.D. Foster
The man drones on about not wanting to “fight the same tired battles”, so instead “Let’s invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt” as he increases reckless spending and continues to manipulate and play tax games, all the while setting our course towards an unsustainable path of titanic proportions. This budget is not the only thing built on "Failures of the Past"...Obama's derelict leadership sees to that!