"By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." That's commonly attributed to Confucius, whose wisdom I'm imitating. An awful lot of what I know has come from the harsh lash of experience, even when my own thoughts sufficiently counseled me to avoid the pitfalls lying directly ahead. Reflection, I've found, is most gratifying, but some of us will insist on exploring the jagged roads of hostile experience, if for no other reason than to satisfy stubborn curiosity.
In the spirit of the approaching New Year, allow me to suggest some resolutions that might keep you situated toward the first two methods above for pursuing a good life and finding peace, while sparing you some of the trouble I've sometimes refused to avoid.
My two big advocacy issues for 2022 will be sustaining support of self-defense and opposing mandates done throughout this year. Both of those are integral for maintaining individual liberty and true security in America.
No matter what, it's been a horrible year for President Biden. It all started when he chose to govern like Bernie Sanders rather than the moderate we were promised.
The United States In 2040 … unless…
I want us all to engage in a New Year’s Day mental exercise and extrapolate where we will be—not as a country but as a culture—in 20 years. In that span, patriot conservatives may win a midterm election or two, and perhaps even a presidential election, but the culture will continue its 70-year trend.Let's ALL put our thinking caps on this year, America, for a happier New Year.
Why? Because presidents and senators don’t (really) determine what is taught to your kids, what messaging is being spewed forth by the Mainstream Media, what poisonous social engineering projects corporate and foundation boards are wasting their (and our) money on, what morality is currently being wafted from pulpits.