You won’t find it on any of the big tech companies’ platforms. They have already ghosted it.
That is how good President Trump’s speech was.
Like frogs boiling in water, America has been lulled into accepting incomprehensible gibberish from a doddering old coot shuffling behind a podium bearing the White House seal. The “new normal” is a fossilized old swamp gargoyle fumbling through notes to answer a simple question about Russia from a soda jerk in an ice cream parlor.
American leadership has been defanged and replaced by a set of loose dentures incapable of commanding a cone of soft-serve ice cream — a president whose Secret Service code name is “Silver Alert.”
But the Devil in Dallas is back! And in full form — reminding us all what a live wire in the White House was really like.
Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Mr. Trump was viciously funny, scathingly honest and electrically entertaining.He took on Mark 'Zuckerbucks' attack on free speech and the $400 million spent rigging the election for Biden, wrapping up with the latter FACT of which drives the Marxist media machine bonkers...
“Like socialist and communist movements throughout history, today’s leftists do not believe in freedom. They do not believe in democracy. They believe in Marxist morality — anything is justified as long as it hurts their political opponents and advances the radical agenda of their party.”
See: George Floyd, global warming, children killed in school shootings, flooded New York City subways, the Florida condo collapse and the China virus pandemic. There is literally no catastrophe known to man that Democrats in Washington will not exploit to increase their own political power.
And as ever, Mr. Trump was the unrepentant bad boy of politics — ensuring all the socials would kick him and his speech off their dishonest platforms.Whether this means a 2024 run or not is still anybody's guess; but rest assured, he's still in the game.
“We were doing so well until the rigged election came along,” he said.
“You say ‘election fraud’ and you get canceled,” he said. “Unfortunately, this was an election where the person that counts the vote was far more important than the candidate.”
Mr. Trump did not win any new friends in Washington with his Sunday night performance. But he sure made clear that he is back and ain’t backing down.
Related links: Fauci Declares It “Horrifying” After CPAC Crowd Applauds Young People Being Aware Of CCV Side Effects
WATCH: President Trump Fires Up CPAC Crowd, Promising “We Will Make America Great Again!”
ADDENDUM: An equally GREAT speech at Charlie Kirk's Turning Point Action Rally in Phoenix following the Arizona audits and subsequent withholding of information out of Maricopa County... yeah, you better believe he addressed the 2020 CHEAT!!
"You know, if somebody robs Tiffany, a beautiful jeweler, 57th and 5th, good location, excellent location, and they steal the diamonds, and then they get caught, they have to turn the diamonds back. It's very simple. Amazing the way it works."
45th President of the United States Donald Trump addresses crime, crisis, and economic numbers over the course of the Biden administration's first six months, talks about his lawsuit against 'Big Tech,' sounds off on the irregularities and "cheating" seen during the 2020 Presidential Election, his effort to get endorsed 'America-First' candidates elected to The House and The Senate, and more...