In the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, the American people wanted to better understand the China virus and how they could best protect themselves from infection. Dr. Anthony Fauci quickly became the "go-to expert."Related links: Oh, So That's When Fauci Learned COVID Might Have Been a Lab Leak?
But as Americans and the world listened to Dr. Fauci's medical advice, Townhall and other conservative publications began to question his motives, notice contradictions in his statements, and investigate whether or not he had connections the public was unaware of or if he knew more about the Wuhan virus than he was letting on.
Now, with the publication of Fauci's bombshell emails thanks to a FOIA request... we can say that we were right about Fauci all along. ...his constant flip-flopping, spreading of misinformation, and grilling by elected officials on Capitol Hill was necessary and justified.
While [reporting] on the inconsistent misinformation coming from "America's Doctor," the left-wing media treated Fauci as "America's Savior."
Based on the release of his emails... we now know that Fauci misinformed the public about mask-wearing on multiple occasions; that he was informed about the possibility of the Wuhan coronavirus leaking from the Chinese communists' Wuhan Institute of Virology and ignored it; that he is a supporter of dangerous gain-of-function research and that he bought into the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda.
Stanford Scientist Gave a Diagnosis of Anthony Fauci's Credibility. You May Want to Sit Down.
Some would obviously consider it hyperbole and offensive to call Fauci the Greatest Mass Killer of the 21st Century, even though he conspired and lied about damn near everything, including the use of alternative treatments, but tell that to the family members of half a million Americans who lost loved ones over the past year that weren't allowed the option to even try prophylactic and therapeutic solutions because of this man and his BigPharma cabal of co-conspirators...
It’s been over a year since the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic after originally downplaying the threat. It is no secret that both the disease and the response to combat it following this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019 have turned our world upside-down. Mandates, lockdowns, and guidelines seem to change every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth. All of these unprecedented rules were put into place, we were told, to slow down the spread of a disease that today is linked to the death of over half a million Americans and 3.7 million global citizens in the last year.Related links: HCQ for COVID-19 | Ivermectin for COVID-19 | COVID-19 early treatments
You would think that researchers would have concentrated on prophylactic and therapeutic solutions of this disease especially since this disease is a death sentence for the elderly, the obese, those with preexisting conditions. The coronavirus doctors have forced children to avoid school, mask up, and get vaccinated. One would think that after all this time there would be a consensus in the hospitals, in the nursing homes, and in other treatment centers on how to treat a Covid positive patient or resident. This is not the case.
There still is no agreed-upon treatment plan for elderly patients who catch coronavirus to assist in their recovery.
The CDC and Dr. Fauci ignored treatment plans for coronavirus patients unless the person was under severe distress.
Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine Peter McCullough testified in Texas earlier this year. Dr. McCullough sees COVID patients and says 85% of COVID patients given multi-drug treatment plan recover from the disease with complete immunity. McCullough added, “The pandemic could have been over by now, he says, if those who tested positive for covid had been immediately treated before they fell ill enough to be hospitalized. He also says that thousands could have been, and still could be saved if the treatment protocol he and other physicians use were not suppressed.”
Dr. Fauci, the CDC and the WHO suppressed this effective treatment plan and others, and hundreds of thousands of innocent people died.
I'd love to see Fauci try to wriggle his way through a debate with this dude...
Oh, and then the Cleveland Clinic just released a bit of positive info for all of us who've already been through the 'rona: No vaccine needed for those who’ve had COVID!
The study finds that anyone who previously tested positive for a SARS-CoV-2 infection did not get additional benefits from the vaccine, which suggests the vaccines should be prioritized to people who haven’t gotten the infection.Yet, even in that article, they still keep pushing it on you... oy.
The clinic says this research provides insight into how the immune system protects the body once a COVID-19 infection is confirmed.
During the study that was conducted on 52,238 employees in the Cleveland Clinic, the clinic says “not a single incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was observed in previously infected participants with or without vaccination.”
The suppression of known treatments, dare I use the word 'cures', sacrificing thousands for what was (and has become even more obvious) a political agenda, is beyond criminal and ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law... does Nuremberg come to mind? But all the little Goebbels propagandists circle the wagons around their Mengeles, so don't count on a thing happening. In fact, if anything, the leftist media will continue to double down on disinformation and call it 'science'.
Related links: Horowitz: WHO data: Ivermectin reduces COVID mortality by 81%. Also WHO: We still don’t recommend it.
Study: HCQ could have saved 'staggering' number of lives
New Study Determines People Who’ve Had COVID-19 Don’t Need to Get Vaccinated
ADDENDUM: More from the guy we should've been listening to the whole time (published in August, video update from October)...
...and then there's this patheticism...