Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Open for business! TX and MS unthaw from the pandemic freeze

Leftists and others frozen in the pandemic fear lost their collective minds today when not one but TWO states said it's time to get back to business! Mind you, at no time did either Abbott nor Reeves state that masks can't be worn or businesses can't set their own restrictions; in fact, they both said that was still fine. What they did say to the dismay of socialist Democrats and fellow conformists, who'd have us locked down forever until they rigged everything, is that it's not up to government to keep you in an indeterminate stasis, that your liberty is restored to make your own life decisions, particularly now that the vaccines are in place and have been administered among vast swathes of the populace. Oh, the horror! Once again, the alarmist reactions really give you a glimpse of leftism's hold over us through its medium and it's dereliction of true individual freedom to secure some unAmerican notion of democracy...

Though these southern states have finally started reversing such draconian measures, it should be noted that there was a plains state that held steady through this, weathering the storm, honoring appropriate authority and trusting her people...

And let's not forget about Sweden, you know, that country that every American socialist touts, except when Swedes refused to overreact to the COVID-19 pandemic!

Oops, sorry, I'm giving statistics and science that can only be followed if it conforms to a particular political narrative.

Let's hope other states join in, and we finally get off this curvy rollercoaster that some might argue is why the damn thing has dragged on for this long in the first place!

ADDENDUM: YES! Precisely...