Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The truth about Biden's border crisis is coming out...

No matter how hard the media tries to cover up Biden's mistakes, the truth about the border crisis is going to come out. ~ WJLive, 3/31/21
I haven't had nearly enough time to address this ('cause some folks work for a living to pay for all the taxes and handouts!), but there's no exaggerating that what the current illegitimate administration has done to decimate the country, not simply in dismantling Trump's accomplishment, but primarily in erasing the country's gains in a mere couple of months is beyond outrageous and could be irreparable if allowed to proceed at this pace over the next four years. Just one stark example of this erasure is the growing border crisis and the gross denial of maintaining our national sovereignty through a system of orderly, lawful immigration. Those words fall on deaf ears among the left, simply because it's another strategy...

Owens was right last week when she said that 'this is a border plan' with the purpose of importing Hispanics as Democrats' 'next victim voters'.

And with just a rough following of the border crisis, or what some might even call a super-spreader event, nothing about this could possibly be viewed as positive for the U.S. ...

...nor Biden apparently...
A recently released poll reported a significant drop in Biden's approval ratings on illegal immigration.

...but that doesn't matter, and neither does the integrity of our sovereign nation or the security of its citizenry. They've proven that over and over again (of particular note, November's fraudulent election). All for Party justifies the means to an end. And the seizure of power at the expense of, well, everything ultimately, will certainly reach that abyss, because it won't be America anymore... just another overpopulated, underperforming, broke-ass country.

Related link: Poll: 54 Percent of Americans Believe ‘Biden Border Crisis’ Is a ‘Crisis’

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Seeing the masquerade for what it is...

"...we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally - which for Americans means to live freely - again." ~ Scott Atlas, Imprimis, February 2021
I can keep watching this over and over again... evisceration!

...and so deserving. It is just theater at this point. How can I say that? Science and facts...

But, but, but variants! Statement after statement after bloody statement continue to show that variants are not as virulent as reports are coming in, nor will they likely affect vaccine efficacy either. But somehow that's not to be listened to any more than admitting the 500,000 number of deaths is also a lie...
All during the coronavirus situation, masked reporters masking reality have noted, enthusiastically, every mortality milestone reached during the past year. Now it’s “500,000 Americans have died of COVID-19!” which certainly is an attention-getter. It’s also profound COVIDiocy, writes an ex-medical examiner with more than 30 years experience in death investigation. The number isn’t even remotely accurate.

After outlining his impressive résumé, that man, Dennis McGowan, explains why he calls the way SARS-CoV-2 deaths are recorded “the big lie.” He writes:
You can imagine how many death certificates I’ve seen in my career, but you can’t imagine the number of death certificates that are being fraudulently tallied in this current pandemic. Someone in some bureaucrat’s office decided that if COVID appears anywhere on a death certificate, it is counted as a COVID death, even if it isn’t. If COVID is on the Immediate Cause line, it is clearly a COVID death. If it is on the first Due To line, it might be a COVID death in a person with a significant comorbidity. If it is on the second or third Due To line, it may or may not have a role in the death, but if it appears in the Other Significant Conditions line, it is not a COVID death, yet it is being counted as one. An example is the fellow who crashed his motorcycle and tested positive for COVID. This is fraud masquerading as science.
In reality, it has long been apparent that the China virus death numbers are cooked. We know this based not only on the testimony of those who’ve witnessed the shenanigans, but also via reason’s application.

So what is the actual China virus death toll? McGowan writes that “when the publicly advertised number hit 200,000, there was speculation that the actual number could be as low as 10 or 12 thousand.” Adjusting that for the current 500,000 mortality number yields a figure of 25 or 30 thousand.

McGowan says that he’d love to evaluate every death certificate in the nation so that we could know for sure. But I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for transparency.

After all, politicians have justified their destructive, onerous lockdowns partially by citing artificially high mortality figures. So what would happen if they admitted that there were “only,” let’s say, for argument’s sake, 30,000 COVID deaths per “cold” season, making the disease comparable to the flu? They’d first, of course, have to relinquish the emergency powers they’ve seized using corona fears.

More significantly, though, what would happen to their political careers if they admitted that they ravaged the economy and people’s lives, and caused death, all based on an illusion?
And you can absolutely see politics at play when John Kerry is excused for not wearing his mask to read a book on a commercial airliner, but shear outrage when Ted Cruz dares to drink his coffee without a mask on a similar flight? C'mon, man! We've all learned that the virus ceases to exist when we eat or drink (eyeroll). And I shouldn't even have to mention the flood of illegal aliens pouring across the border creating a super-spreader event, right? Political Hypocrisy 101, folks. As long as they're socially distanced, I guess! I'll end my sarcasm, and just defer to the beautiful Bee's...

There's truth in laughter... and recognizing the real aim of it all: CONTROL.

Disclaimer: At no time have I said the virus isn't real. I had it, my whole family had it... brought into our home by our most avid mask wearer... how ironic.

Related links: I hate to say, “I told you so.” But yes, “I told you so.”
Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail?


“Someone has to contend with him and show him that his edicts are not based on science,” and he’s apparently more than happy to be that “someone.”

For example, how many people watching this program have walked into a restaurant, put their mask on for ten feet and seen 400 people look up at you who are all not wearing their mask, all in an enclosure, breathing? Do you think those ten steps of wearing your mask meant anything? That’s non-science. That basically is someone expressing some sort of form of civility, but has nothing to do with science.

You’re on the airplane, you wear a mask, you’re sitting this far from people. And then they say when you get off, we’re going to get off six feet apart now. I have been sitting next to some guy three inches from me the whole time. But now we’re going to use science. And he has to go six feet in front of me to get off the plane. None of this is based in science.

It’s all emotionalism. And we’re going to be here forever if we keep listening to these people. The simple fact is if you’ve been vaccinated, and you’re two weeks out from your second one, throw your mask away and do what you want, because Dr. Fauci is overkill on all of this.”
Preach! No evidence to back up this conjecture or sense of civility, but mandate on with ever-changing goalposts? Nope, that 15 minutes of fame has sailed and we're DONE.
Related satire: CDC Director Gives Press Conference While Holding 'THE END IS NEAR' Sign

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Open for business! TX and MS unthaw from the pandemic freeze

Leftists and others frozen in the pandemic fear lost their collective minds today when not one but TWO states said it's time to get back to business! Mind you, at no time did either Abbott nor Reeves state that masks can't be worn or businesses can't set their own restrictions; in fact, they both said that was still fine. What they did say to the dismay of socialist Democrats and fellow conformists, who'd have us locked down forever until they rigged everything, is that it's not up to government to keep you in an indeterminate stasis, that your liberty is restored to make your own life decisions, particularly now that the vaccines are in place and have been administered among vast swathes of the populace. Oh, the horror! Once again, the alarmist reactions really give you a glimpse of leftism's hold over us through its medium and it's dereliction of true individual freedom to secure some unAmerican notion of democracy...

Though these southern states have finally started reversing such draconian measures, it should be noted that there was a plains state that held steady through this, weathering the storm, honoring appropriate authority and trusting her people...

And let's not forget about Sweden, you know, that country that every American socialist touts, except when Swedes refused to overreact to the COVID-19 pandemic!

Oops, sorry, I'm giving statistics and science that can only be followed if it conforms to a particular political narrative.

Let's hope other states join in, and we finally get off this curvy rollercoaster that some might argue is why the damn thing has dragged on for this long in the first place!

ADDENDUM: YES! Precisely...

Monday, March 1, 2021

Trump's blistering CPAC speech

Great weekend at CPAC. Just wanted to briefly highlight THE highlight...

Former President Trump took to the stage at CPAC 2021 pushing back on the Democrats calling them anti-job anti-science, anti-family, anti-borders, and anti-women. Highlighting Biden’s reversals of his most successful policies. ~ MLS, 3/1/21

Great speech, but if you have limited time, start it just before the 59min mark... FIRE from there on out!

Named every single ONE of those RINO turncoats who tried to impeach him. Forming a PAC to cut out that internal cancer and actually unify the party, installing conservative Republicans, tackling election integrity, and stopping the ruinous Dem policies. It is sickening how the media propagandists frame totalitarian efforts by the Democrats to override the Founders' ideals of liberty with their modern, skewed notions of democracy, but we must read their destructive perspectives to know what we're up against. Trump mentioned a few worth checking out, here and here.

Also, some poll results to make Praetorian media heads spin...

And the FL Gov is definitely a guy to watch...

So rest assured, our movement, America's movement continues to grow despite and in spite of leftism's march.

Related link: WATCH: Moving, beautiful, inspiring Rush Limbaugh memoriam at CPAC [FULL]