One thing is for certain, though: More than BLM or Antifa, what D.C. truly fears is the American Patriot!
There's a reason Dems, the Media, and now Republicans (and I guess Capitol police too...not giving patriots the Antifa treatment; no reason for that killing, guys) are threatened by FED UP Americans versus the summer rioters, and they very well know why, as Carlson covered...We will never concede!#WashingtonDC #dcprotest
— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) January 6, 2021
"Millions of Americans sincerely believe the last election was fake. You can dismiss them as crazy. You can call them conspiracy theorists. You can kick them off Twitter. But that won’t change their minds. Rather than trying to change their minds, to convince them and reassure them that the system is real, that democracy works — which you would do if you cared about the country or the people who live here — our new leaders will try to silence them.
What happened Wednesday will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of the rights you were born with as an American: Your right to speak without being censored, your right to assemble, to not be spied upon, to make a living, and to defend your family. These are the most basic and ancient freedoms that we have. They’re why we live here in the first place. They’re why we’re proud to be Americans. They’re what make us different, and they’re all now in peril.
When thousands of your countrymen storm the Capitol building, you don’t have to like it... You can be horrified by the violence... But if you don’t bother to pause and learn a single thing from your citizens storming your Capitol building, then you’re a fool, you lack wisdom and self-awareness, and you have no place running a country. We got to this sad, chaotic day for a reason."
Brandon Tatum had a magnificent post that has since been removed from YouTube (shocker). Fortunately, BitChute captured it! 100% TRUTH BOMB right here... "People are upset because individuals have stormed the Capitol. First of all, let me clarify this for you: WE own the Capitol! The politicians don't own the Capitol; the taxpaying people, you and I, own the Capitol. We own that building, we paid for that building, that's our building..." Oh it gets better from there on out!
The Hodge Twins were spot on as well..."Man, this is a sad day for America, not because we have people protesting. No, our government sucks, media sucks. That's all the blame goes towards really... This has been building up for the last few years actually... Our government is dysfunctional... Y'all knew this day was coming. It's almost like y'all wanted it to happen."
And this young gentleman, who just witnessed a horrible tragedy, sums up so much of this and all of the past year's charades: "This cannot stand anymore. This is wrong. They don't represent anyone. Not Republican, Democrat, Independent, nobody. And now they'll just kill people!"
Whether you agree with every single word from these individuals, the point, the purpose, the reason is there. But then Biden comes out of his hole, and ensures us how THEY look at US...INCREDIBLE VIDEO
— Assistant Groyper (@AsstGroyper) January 6, 2021
This guy was next to the woman shot and killed in cold blood by Capitol Hill Police. Could’ve been anyone, completely unacceptable!!!
And they wonder why the People are PISSED?! There is no healing, and there will be no concession, because there is no understanding from the other side, and the People are tired of not being listened to, and now having their voices silenced through electoral malfeasance...Joe Biden is currently accusing Patriots in #WashingtonDC of sedition, and calling it an insurrection. Funny how that never happened for BLM & Antifa.
— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) January 6, 2021
They hate the American people. #WeThePeople
When every civil option has been ignored, all that's left is to stand! And whether there were or weren't others mixed in, it was telling how rougher patriots were treated than the "mostly peaceful protesters"... but like I said, their bosses fear We The People, while they lord over us...Patriots chanting "Stop the Steal!" as they storm the United States Capitol in Washington, DC a little bit
— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) January 6, 2021Chants of “Treason!” as Trump supporters rush into the Capitol Building #Trump #WashingtonDC #Capitol #DC
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 6, 2021We're not going anywhere!#WashingtonDC
— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) January 6, 2021
I could keep going, but I'm disgusted from the coverage and tired from the day. We're all sick and tired of being sick and tired.#KUSINews has confirmed the identity of the woman shot and killed inside US Capitol.
— KUSI News (@KUSINews) January 7, 2021
More info: is falling apart.
— Kitty Boomhauer (@KBoomhauer) January 7, 2021In the dead of night: Congress certifies Biden victory, and Trump pledges 'orderly transition' of powerOur Country has been taken over by Traitors!
— Dave Reilly (@realDaveReilly) January 6, 2021
Related links: Fed up Trump supporters storm the Capitol building in DC
“We had No Weapons. We Were Peaceful. They Started Shooting At Us.” Police Attacked Protesters With Pepper Spray, Tear Gas and Clubs.
Fox News Anchor Shoves Trump Supporter Outside Washington Governor’s Mansion
Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away
What Can Be Done in This Age of Election Fraud? Whom Can We Count On?
In DC, Oligarchy Beats Democracy Every Time
Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved
ADDENDUM I: Damn straight! We're HERE!
After four years of a sustained coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump, the Washington establishment now wants us, the deplorables, to sit down, shut up and accept a steal. Here’s a news flash. We will not. This is no longer about ensuring that Donald Trump, who won the election, remains as President. The issue is more profound. It is the preservation of our Republic and a demand for genuine accountability and fairness.ADDENDUM II: A final word with some visual aides: Perspective...
As I listen to the howls of faux outrage by a plethora of Democrat, Republican, media and Silicon Valley tech giants condemning any Trump supporter who dares speak out to challenge the election fraud of November 3rd, I have not forgotten and will not forget their lies and their silence.
When Black Lives Matter and Antifa ravaged some of our major cities over the last 9 months, these clowns did not denounce the rioting, looting and violence. They lied and called it peaceful protests. But the Silent Majority saw with their own eyes the desecration of statues, the assaults on law abiding citizens, the destruction of small businesses.
When disgruntled Democrats and Hollywood elite insisted, “Trump is not our President”, the media did not denounce them as “insurrectionists.” When Madonna called for blowing up the White House the only outrage came from Trump supporters. The rest of the establishment yawned and celebrated. When Kathy Griffin, a low rent, untalented comedian, decapitated a model of Donald Trump, the media again shrugged this off as nothing of import.
The double standard, the gargantuan hypocrisy is stunning. And the Washington Establishment expects us to act as Alzheimer patients who can’t remember what we had for breakfast? No. We remember every act of resistance.
For more than four years we were fed the damnable lie that the Russians elected Donald Trump. Now we know that the FBI lied repeatedly in submitting false applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. So far, not one of those liars–Comey, McCabe, Strzok–have been called to account. Yet, supporters of Trump–General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone–were accused falsely of lying and prosecuted. Most true Americans recognize this as a flagrant violation of the basic concept of fairness and blind justice.
We are told to move along, nothing to see here. Yet, we have witnessed the metaphorical exploding of bombs, crashing of cars and know beyond doubt that there is overwhelming evidence of election fraud. Plenty to see if only one opens his or her eyes. We have seen the videos of ballots in suitcases being pulled from hidden stashes and run thru Dominion voting machines. We have seen live footage of those machines communicating via wifi with China. We have read the affidavit of a witness who hauled 400,000 filled in ballots from Beth Page, New York to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. These are not conspiracy theories. These are pieces of tangible evidence.
We have watched angry leftists burn American flags and have endured the lectures about the rights of those scum to express themselves. No arrests. Yet, the police turned out in force to arrest the African American leader of the Proud Boys for burning a Black Lives Matter banner. What the Hell? One set of rules for those who want to destroy America and another set for patriots who want to defend this Nation.
Do you remember Tom Brady and the accusation that he was using a “deflated” football? Congressional leaders had no problem trying to insert themselves into that controversy.
Yet now, when the very future of our Republic stands on the precipice of disaster, Congressional leaders, Mitch McConnell in particular, refuse to look at the facts and condemn anyone who dares raise an objection.
So what do we do? Very simple. RESIST.
First, Joe Biden is not our President. He is a corrupt thief.
Second, if you are a registered Republican change your registration to Independent.
Third, do not send a single dime to any Republican who refused to stand with President Trump.
Fourth, contact your Senator and Representative and let them know you will not forget.
Fifth, continue to protest and speak out. Do not be cowed or bullied.
Sixth, refuse to support with your hard-earned dollars any business or media outlet that is attacking you for exercising your fundamental right to protest.
After four years of being lied to about Russian interference in the 2016 election we are now asked to believe the falsehood that this was the fairest election ever. Horseshit. The Washington elites, especially the Republican establishment, delusionally insist that this pile of festering manure is chocolate pudding. Sorry, I know excrement when I see it and smell it. There is not enough lipstick in the world to make this pig of an election look like Marilyn Monroe in her prime.
ADDENDUM III: I thought I was done, then Brandon Tatum spoke up again...
Related link: Justice for Ashli Babbit?