Saturday, November 7, 2020

No concession 'cause it ain't over

While the media prognosticators declare their preferred candidate the victor, this thing is far from decided, and don't expect President Trump or his legal team to stop fighting this predictably massive corruption...

Headed towards court on Monday with both barrels blazin' and PLENTY of EVIDENCE!

Related links: Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’

SCOTUS, Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania to separate LATE ballots from the ON TIME ones

Oh, and by the way, it appears that the plandemic is winding down too, also predicted...

PANDEMIC OVER? Libs celebrate in streets, pop champagne, dance, hug, breathe germs. No one says Covid ‘SUPER SPREADER’

I know, another 2020 frustration, when one side, their followers, and their media acts as if the obvious is invisible. How many are still falling for these nothing-to-see-here routines, exceptions and double-standards? They've been building up for years, deny it if you must, but it's right there for all to see...
...oh, and don't forget those riots...
Related link: Schumer Celebrates, Anticipates Senate Control: “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world”
Hold the Line, America

ADDENDUM: Thanks to a friend, here's more details towards potential legal direction(s)...
...and keep those spirits HIGH!
Related links: EveryLegalVote
Go On the Offensive In Georgia