Monday, October 5, 2020

Zuckerberg vs. Levin? (UPDATE)

Holy HELL! Zuckerberg and his minions don't even know what they've started, much less unleashed...

Bongino has been sounding the alarm on this censorship for at least a few weeks now...

As TheRightScoop mentioned, "Levin was probably the target all along with his huge following. My guess is that Facebook censored little fish like me first so they could then have a seemingly legitimate excuse to claim Levin shared fake news and censor him." You can back up to the beginning of the Election Year in that respect, as anebbandflow, this very blog (a mere guppy), was censored from Facebook shortly after the new year! Still unable to post directly to Facebook to this day.

But we know what this is all about. The very thing that's at stake in this election, which is EVERYTHING! And Levin lays out the challenge facing us over the next four weeks...
This is our country. This is our election. Everything’s on the table here. The Democrats want to change this country. They want to turn it into a post-constitutional, post-republican type of society. Bernie Sanders’s agenda is on the table. They’re telling us – they’re telling us what they are going to do, they are not hiding it from us. They’re going to burn down the Supreme Court by packing it. This was tried before; it was denounced before. They’re going to do it!

They’re going to add four Democrat Senators to the Senate. Why? Because they’re going to have the power to do it. They are going to change the way we legislate so nothing can be slowed down – nothing can stop them.

They want to change our electoral process so only Democrats are represented in Congress, only Democrats have power to elect a president. Rural areas, suburban areas, the areas of the country that produce the food, that produce the energy will have no representation.

This isn’t a joke. This is as serious as a heart attack! This is what the election’s about. The 1619 Project – it exists to destroy the minds of our kids, to brainwash them against this country. You see what’s happened in the streets. They don’t even acknowledge – the presidential nominee of the Democrat Party doesn’t even acknowledge the existence of Antifa – a Marxist, anarchist organization that says it wants to destroy our country and burns our streets.

No – this election is a big deal. If you’re still on the fence, I don’t know what kind of fence you’re sitting on, and if you’re leaning towards Joe Biden – he says “I am the Democrat Party” – he ain’t kidding. If you’re leaning towards Joe Biden, this is what you’re going to get.

There’s a reason why he won’t tell you whether or not he supports stuffing the Supreme Court because he does. There’s a reason he won’t tell you about the nominees that he has in mind because they’re radicals.

This election is crucial. Are you Thomas Paine? Are you Paul Revere? Now is the time to speak up.
Looking forward to hearing Levin's address of this flagrant censorship...

Related links: Facebook Flags Conservative Scholar Mark Levin, Claims ‘Repeated Distribution of False News’
Self-Censorship Is the Greatest Scourge to Free Speech

Mark Levin calls 200K COVID-19 deaths 'biggest lie this century'
SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Other Serious Illnesses

Herschel Walker: One death is two many BUT Joe Biden & campaign are not telling American people about the comorbidity in the Covid numbers

UPDATE: Well, we found out who backed down...
...but it seems like there'd still be room for some kind of broader litigation, perhaps via Landmark? Just a thought.
Meanwhile, how about the actual fake news from the Left, Facebook?