Before you might write this off as another wild conspiracy, just take a look at these clips, the people in them, their connections, but more importantly, their own words...
Let's first rewind for just a moment to Jan. 2017, where this hatred of our 45th president took root no sooner than the man was sworn in, but leading us to where we find ourselves today...
Forget most of the complaints and accusations against Donald Trump you are hearing these days. There is a growing, ugly and violent war being waged against the Trump administration and conservatives in general. Most of that war is being orchestrated and funded by massively-financed elites of one general movement – the several decades old movement for an aggressively secular, borderless, de-populationist New World Order and world government.
I strongly urge watching the video below produced by Remnant TV. It provides crucial context. I believe, based on all that I have seen, read and experienced for the past 40 and more years, that the video is right on the mark. Nothing else can explain the massive US and international howling and vicious, non-spontaneous, “spontaneous” demonstrations that have been taking place in many cities and nations.
Related links: Trump, the anti-globalist, declares America ‘open for business’ in Davos speech to globalists
George Soros: Trump Has Almost Destroyed the New World Order
Then as the impeachment coup attempts were failing, here's what was going on just before Covid landed...
And as soon as 2020 rolled around, the globalists converged on Davos. I want to repeat what I said before about their own words...everyone of these elites highlighted in this next video are SAYING THIS OUT LOUD, openly advocating for the political exploitation of Covid to defeat Trump in November and bring about The Great Reset. And there's nothing fake about it...
Using the Trojan Horse of a very serious Coronavirus, these globalists plan to create a global reset of everything from the world economy, to population control, commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder” and “reimagine” every aspect of life as we know it.
This is the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple Trump’s efforts to ‘make America great again.”
Why? Because no country—especially not the U.S.—can opt out of The Great Reset.
If they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again. Nothing, that is, unless Donald Trump wins in November.
The folks at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is US.
(I encourage you to listen to this in its entirety, but I've advanced play to the summation @18:13)
"Look at the big picture, the choice is simple."
As tumultuous as 2020 has been, these masterminds view this as the perfect opportunity to enact sweeping public policy changes throughout the world, upending sovereign nations to finally push through their new world order with a new name. And don't think they won't continue to use this virus to do it when all else has failed to bring down the president and the country. Just look at how our own globalist elites work against us!
The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.We all know what this boils down to: Poor countries are using HCQ, and it's working to reduce deaths, while people in wealthier countries are being allowed to die from covid at far higher rates, because the Politico-Academic-Corporate Establishment deemed these life-saving drugs unprofitable. There should be hell to pay for what they've done!
This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!
America has lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives. And that could have been lowered by nearly 80% if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!
Related links: How Democrats' Trump Derangement Syndrome is literally killing people
Hydroxychloroquine is SAFER than Tylenol: America's most 'dangerous' doctors speak out
Countries that use Hydroxychloroquine may have 80% lower Covid death rates
Facebook says it removed over 7M pieces of wrong COVID-19 content in quarter
FINALLY! Doctor Joins Coronavirus Task Force Who Believes in Science, Not Fear Mongering
This is the real human rights fight against the elitist oppression they would inflict upon us but for a particular pro-American leader and a particular group of Americans who continue to stand in their way. And despite the seemingly virtuous ideas contrived, The Great Reset is not about caring for anyone or saving anything. Their ultimate goal is self-interests, bigger government and more power. The ordinary American taxpayer or small business can't afford to ignore the choice they're presented with this election cycle. You know what one choice will give us over the other. It's liberty or tyranny. Remember that, remember all of this, come November.
Related links: Introducing the 'Great Reset,' world leaders' radical plan to transform the economy
What is the Great Reset?
The Great Reset – The Final Battle Against Marxists
What The Hell Is The Great Reset?
“The Great Reset” – The deconstruction of capitalism
Global Elites Announce ‘Great Reset’ Plan—And It’s Even More Radical Than the Green New Deal
Resist the ‘Great Reset’
Donald Trump is a Heretic from the Left’s Secular Religion