Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube CENSOR doctors who aren't towing the Covid media narrative! UPDATE: Doctor FIRED!

Unbelievable in America...

Looks like there's only one left on yesterday's post. But here's more from Breitbart on this blatant CENSORSHIP:

Facebook has removed a video posted by Breitbart News, which was the top-performing Facebook post in the world Monday afternoon, of a press conference in D.C. held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic. YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Twitter subsequently removed footage of the press conference as well.

The livestream had accumulated over 17 million views by the time of its censorship by Facebook.

The video accumulated over 17 million views during the eight hours it was hosted on Facebook, with over 185,000 concurrent viewers.

In terms of viral velocity, the post was beating content from many other prominent accounts on Facebook, including Hillary Clinton, Rev. Franklin Graham, and Kim Kardashian.

Over 185,000 viewers were concurrently watching the stream when it aired live Monday afternoon.

The event, hosted by the organization America’s Frontline Doctors, a group founded by Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified physician and attorney, and made up of medical doctors, came together to address what the group calls a “massive disinformation campaign” about the coronavirus. Norman also spoke at the event.

“If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease,” reads the event’s information page.

The event was organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots.

“We’ve removed this video for sharing false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19,” a Facebook company spokesman, Andy Stone, told Breitbart News. The company did not specify what portion of the video it ruled to be “false information,” who it consulted to make that ruling, and on what basis it was made. ...

Facebook’s decision to censor the livestream was quickly followed by YouTube, the Google-owned video-sharing platform. The video had over 80,000 views on YouTube prior to its removal.

Following Facebook and YouTube’s removal of the video, Twitter followed suit, removing Breitbart News’s Periscope livestream of the press conference. Jack Dorsey’s platform also then limited the Breitbart News official account, indicating that tweets containing links to multiple stories about the press conference violate the platform’s COVID-19 policies.
(Twitter censored Melissa Tate's tweet, but I retained remnants of it)

It's no coincidence that this effort to CONTROL SPEECH coincides with an ELECTION YEAR...

Related links: Twitter Locks Parts of Donald Trump Jr.’s Account for Sharing Video Touting Hydroxychloroquine
Sacrificing Science for Panic and Power
Yale epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine works against COVID-19, so use it and stop politicizing it
Lockdown of children is harming immune systems and our best shot at herd immunity
Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results
Don Jr. speaks out about temporary Twitter ban on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’
Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

ADDENDUM: Follow-up...

The media is also attacking outspoken-and-unafraid Dr. Stella Immanuel. Don't think you guys are gonna be able to smite her so easily, HA!

Related links: Dr. Stella Immanuel: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Dr. Stella Immanuel: White Protester Tells COVID-19 Doctor, ‘I’m More Black Than You’

UPDATE: And now, the doctor leading the charge, Dr. Simone Gold, has been FIRED!

All this effort to silence, but nothing to see here?

Related links: Doctor Fired After Appearing In Viral Video: We've Hired Lin Wood To Represent Us