Friday, October 18, 2019

What's no BS is this WINNING momentum!

So how does Donald Trump hit back at the Dems' and their press parrots' baloney accusations? HARD. If there's one thing he can't be accused of, it's mincing words! #itsTRUE

Minnesota: Trump Says Biden Only Good At 'Kissing Barack Obama's @$$'...

Related link: Trump Goes After Omar at Rally in Minnesota, 'I am Angry'

Louisiana: Trump says Democrats pursuing a 'bulls**t' impeachment inquiry...

Related link: Trump: Democrats Have Waged a Nonstop Battle to Overturn Your Vote

And by the way...what few in the media aren't talking about this week is the near sweep Republicans took in that state's mid-year election that occurred right after the President's visit. YES, the two very likely go hand-in-hand, but don't expect the press to admit or highlight it.

Regardless, we SEE what's going on...the same way we can simply LOOK at the attendance of the President's rallies. Don't ever allow the lib media to discourage, folks, because it's as obvious in all of these rallies, including last night's Dallas rally, that WE have the momentum!
President Trump's Texas rally was all about "God bless the USA," loving Texas, and protecting our constitutional rights. Beto's anti-Trump "Rally Against Fear" was about anger and fear-mongering. So who do you think is winning Texas?