In a segment where Levin laid out how Democratic senators are threatening the Supreme Court if they aren't given what they want on gun control, an old move reminiscent of FDR's days that could have new detrimental ramifications, he touched on perhaps an even more profound litany of issues that are clearly defining...
'an unAmerican party'
" you have multiple senior Senate Democrats, in a brief filed in the Supreme Court for all the media to see, threatening the Supreme Court with restructuring if they don’t get in line on gun control. You have Brett Kavanaugh, a sitting associate justice of the Supreme Court, being threatened by the House Judiciary Committee, which wants his records from the time he was working at the White House Counsel’s office — that is a threat against a sitting justice — and constantly intimating about impeachment of that justice. You have presidential candidates, including Joe Biden, trashing the Declaration of Independence, trashing the Constitution. You have them all almost unanimously trashing free markets and capitalism, attacking the Electoral College, attacking the Second Amendment. This is an unAmerican party. It has become a radicalized, unAmerican party, rejecting the Constitution except when it thinks it can help them... Attacking one institution after another..."And not to gleam over their rediscovered anti-Semitic sentiments and setups as well, but let's stay on topic towards what 'ism' the above describes descending towards as it seeks to decimate the remnants remaining of our foundational systems.
"This is a party that’s very, very comfortable with tyranny. This is a party that’s very comfortable with a centralized, iron-fisted government, as long as they run it, as long as they control it."
“One of the problems we have here is the absolute inability of elected Republicans, and even conservatives/Republicans on television and radio, to discuss free-market capitalism. In fact, some of them trash it now. ‘We’re all populists now.’ ‘We’re all nationalists now.’ No, I’m not, I’m a constitutional conservative. We seem to have difficulty explaining capitalism. Why is that? The Left doesn’t have any problem discussing socialism. They may not label it socialism, but they’re proud about redistribution of wealth. … They’re very, very articulate in their tyranny. Tell me, who’s articulate about liberty? ...And try, try, try as they might to change us into something we're not, nor have ever been, nor have ever even conceived to be, facts and reason, not emotions, show us...
Listen to the Democrat debates: Attacking wealth. Attacking success. Attacking corporations. Well, if we didn’t allow the creation of wealth and success and corporations, we’d be a disastrous country! And nobody articulates it! We’re in an anti-industrial, de-industrial revolution now...
Collectivism, socialism, Marxism, call it whatever you want. This ‘ism’ — it’s deadly. We’ll starve to death. We’ll go without health care. They can paint all the pictures they want. Look at the people! The propagandists and the demagogues who are promoting it. They haven’t created a damn thing. They haven’t hired a damn person! And yet, this is what they keep pushing."
"[David Burton] says it's arithmetically impossible to fund the Progressive agenda just by taxing the rich. ...if you understand Marxism, Marxism has as its purpose the destruction of the existing society. Oh yes, it focuses on material determinism and so forth, goes hand in hand police-state, fascistic, centralized government. Do you know a democracy, seriously, that is communist? A republic that is communist? Of course you don't. Do you know a free people who are communist? No. You see, you never get to that Marx nirvana. What's supposed to happen is everything comes together, and eventually when they've wiped out the existing society and replaced it with egalitarianism, there's no more need for government. 'Oh Mark, that's so stupid.' Yes, I agree, but that effectively what it's soft sister socialism is based on. And Burton points out that...Yet, I still have to ask myself daily, knowing what we ALL know of the Democratic Party (past/present/future?!), even taking into account Republican clunkiness, why such a large number of citizens, Americans, would knowingly elect such destructive Democratic radicals to office with equally destructive agendas? Either they just don't know, or unfortunately more likely, all they can see is imperfection, real or perceived (more so the latter), irrespective of the benefits they've ALL acquire through America's majesty, which in turn points to self-defeating absurdity that will affect us ALL if we allow the allure to snare us. Don't let it.
It is arithmetically impossible to pay for progressive promises by “taxing the rich.” Progressive promises are too expensive—and the amount of income earned by the rich is too small. Even using lower cost estimates, confiscating every dollar earned by every taxpayer with incomes of $200,000 or more would only pay for about half of the progressive agenda. And that figure is based on the false assumption that people would continue to work, save, and invest when subject to a 100 percent flat tax. The reality is that progressive promises can only be funded by increasing taxes on the middle class from three to 10 times their current level or, for a limited time, by dramatic and unsustainable increases in federal borrowing.Now isn't it interesting that none of what I'm telling you will be used at the next Democratic debate by any so-called journalist, because it's written by the Heritage Foundation? But you're not going to get a serious, studious examination of the numbers by left-wing think tanks. You're certainly not going to get them by the media. Again, this is a very damaging thing the media do to this country.
So confiscating every dollar earned by taxpayers with incomes over $200,000 would not come close to paying for the Left's agenda. Ok? Not even come close."
“In other words, you’re paying 100 percent of your income, plus you’re paying a payroll tax, various withholding taxes. So you’re paying over 100 percent on every dollar you earn, and it still doesn’t work.”
Related links: Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s History
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Democrats vs. the Constitution
The Constitution Is an Obstacle to Realizing the Democratic Agenda
Trump isn’t the biggest threat to the Constitution. Democrats are.
Mark Levin: Greatest Threat To Constitution Isn't Foreign, It's The Democrats; "These Are Sick People"
ADDENDUM: By the way, as Levin writes, "America’s poorest citizens are wealthier than 60% of the rest of the developed world, yet the left continues to say that capitalism does not work. Again, this is the media lying to us about race, racism, hunger, poverty, and law enforcement."