Thursday, August 22, 2019

America was built on the faith that ALL men are created equal

That same Hillsdale grad student whose beautiful Independence Day piece I referenced last month is back at it, this time setting the historical record straight from the fallacies and outright lies portrayed by America’s once “newspaper of record” now flagrantly turned Democratic press agent of the American Left.

Levin has largely informed us of the loose truths, negligence and dastardly behavior of the New York Times over the years, with detailed documentation throughout his newest publication. However, the newspaper's latest venture, as Rick Moran describes, "may be the most ambitious left-wing propaganda project in history." This bizarre, revisionist notion of American history through the warped racialist lens of the Time's seeks to completely reframe everything we know of America's founding, including the Framers' role in realizing the ideals of the Declaration. Enter Joshua Lawson's emphatic appeal...

It’s there in plain sight. Spelled-out in its mission statement, the New York Times’ 1619 Project seeks to “reframe” American history to mark the year 1619 as the “true founding.” By doing so, the project will “[place] the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center” of the American story.

The year 1619 was chosen for the Times’ “re-founding” to mark when the first slaves arrived in the English settlement of Jamestown. For the Times, this moment irredeemably tainted the nation. Yet viewing the centuries-old actions of men through a 21st-century lens will not solve our present social tensions. Slavery was a heart-wrenching obstacle during America’s birth, but by no objective analysis was it the central factor of the founding as the 1619 Project claims.

Slavery Is a Blight on All Humanity, Not Just America

Slavery was and is an abomination. The ownership of one man over another is an affront to both natural law and our God-given inalienable rights as human beings. It is an evil part of America’s past—as well as that of nearly every nation on earth. The fact that slavery has a universal heritage does not absolve American slave owners, but it does provide a necessary historical context.

During the 17th century, slavery was, sadly, an accepted part of life throughout the world. By A.D. 1619, slavery had existed for more than 5000 years, dating back at least to Mesopotamia. At the time the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown, the Spanish and Portuguese had been enslaving blacks and native peoples in the New World for more than 100 years. Native American tribes had been enslaving each other for who knows how long before that.

What’s notable about the United States is not that its citizens held slaves, but that the West’s crusade to end slavery began after Jefferson penned the aspirational words of America’s founding document.

America’s Founding Ideals Aren’t Lies

Written by Nikole Hannah-Jones, the 7,600-word flagship essay of the 1619 Project asserts that “our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written.” Forgiving the fact that America is not a democracy but a constitutional republic, what ideals does she mean? The central organizing principle of the American founding was the preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Hannah-Jones claims, “white men who drafted those words did not believe them to be true for the hundreds of thousands of black people in their midst.” She provides no evidence or examples for this sweeping assertion. Alternatively, we know from numerous primary sources that the Founding Fathers did believe those words.

Jefferson’s original final draft of the Declaration explicitly referred to black slaves not as property but as men and castigated King George III for suppressing parliamentary efforts to prohibit or restrain “this execrable commerce” (referring to slavery). Letters written to John Jay show Alexander Hamilton hoping the Revolutionary War could lead to the emancipation of blacks and appraising them equal to whites in their abilities. Additional examples are plentiful.

Without the Founders’ Compromise, America Wouldn’t Exist

The Founders were painfully aware of the cognitive dissonance of forming a nation under the proclamation that all were created equal while maintaining slavery. They also had to face the political reality that the 13 colonies could not be united in a new nation if they immediately abolished slavery.

To insist that southern colonies immediately free their slaves would have been tantamount to demanding they destroy the economic livelihood of the entire region—a political fantasy and a suicidal non-starter. As scholar Harry V. Jaffa once pointed out, “if they had attempted to secure all the rights of all men, they would have ended in no rights secured for any men.”

With no other way to obtain the necessary support for unity and ratification, the Founders spitefully tolerated slavery’s existence, while also placing it on a path to extinction. Once the nation secured independence, American statesman of the Founding Era slashed away at slavery as quickly as prudence and political reality would allow.

American Statesmen Led the Movement to End Slavery

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the territory that would become the states of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. In 1794, Congress barred American ships from engaging in the slave trade. Additional legislation in 1780 banned Americans from employment or investment in the international slave trade. Finally, the U.S. Congress officially banned the importation of slaves beginning on January 1, 1808, the earliest date allowed under the deal made to ratify the Constitution.

Far from the bastion of racism, hate and pro-slavery sentiment [portrayed], much of the United States was ahead of the world in ending the horror of slavery. Shortly after the signing of the Declaration, northern states took the lead. By 1804, New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania had passed laws that immediately or gradually abolished slavery.

This broadside assault against the institution of slavery explicitly contradicts the history sold by Hannah-Jones and the 1619 Project. If the American Founding was grounded in slavery, and the Founders didn’t believe a word of the opening of the Declaration, how does one account for these actions?

According to Hannah-Jones, one of the “primary reasons” Americans declared independence was to preserve slavery, fearful of the “growing calls” to abolish the slave trade in London. However, a closer look shows the abolitionist movement didn’t have a truly organized presence in England until 1783 when the first petition was filed by Quakers. It wasn’t until 1787 that the influential Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was founded.

Ultimately, more than 750,000 men died in the conflict that would finally end the wicked institution of slavery in America once and for all. When it was all over, the Civil War claimed eight times as many American lives as a percentage of the U.S. population as the Second World War.

Worldwide Abolition Lagged Behind the Northern States

Slavery wasn’t abolished until 1834 in the British Empire, 1848 in French colonial possessions, 1858 in Portuguese colonies, 1861 in Dutch Caribbean colonies, 1886 in Cuba, and 1888 in Brazil.

The pace of abolition was even worse in the non-Western part of the world. Barbary pirate slavers from North Africa enslaved more than a million Europeans until the end of WWI, three times the number of Africans sold to America. Slavery wasn’t abolished in China until 1910 (but was still practiced until 1949) and didn’t completely end in Korea until 1930. Qatar allowed slavery until 1952, Saudi Arabia and Yemen until 1962, and Mauritania until 1980—nearly 200 years after it was abolished by the state of Massachusetts.

Using the latest reliable figures from 2016, the Walk Free international human rights organization estimates that on any given day 40.3 million men, women, and children will be victims of modern-day slavery in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Tragically, that number is a low estimate, given the lack of reliable data from Arab states and the prevalence of slavery that still exists there.

Judging America By a Utopian Standard Is Naive

The entire framing of The New York Times’ effort deserves to be questioned. Reconstructing the American founding to the date of the first slave is a standard the Times is only placing on the United States. Is America’s “newspaper of record” about to embark on a grand venture of politely telling every other nation its celebratory founding is to be recalibrated to the date of its first instance of slavery? No, the Times’ project is deliberately—and solely—aimed at the United States.

Leftists have been engaging in this sort of deception for generations. Between the 1930s and 1980s, every perceived shortcoming of the United States was put under a microscope while the left was largely silent on the atrocities of communist tyrannies.

The left holds contempt and disdain for America’s ideals. In their heart-of-hearts, honest leftists cannot deny the unbelievable success of the United States and its institutions nor the appeal of its founding principles abroad. So, the left’s only recourse has been to mount its arguments by comparing American history to a Utopian standard they never use with any other country.

Self-criticism can be helpful, especially when it leads to improvement or the discovery of “blind spots” in one’s thinking. Yet as The Federalist’s David Marcus points out, the 1619 Project isn’t breaking new ground or telling Americans anything they haven’t already heard. Public-school textbooks have extensively covered the evils of America’s past for decades.

The central message of Howard Zinn’s popular textbook “A People’s History of the United States” is the Marxist narrative of “oppressed” versus “oppressor.” In the past 20 years, Hollywood has frequently reminded moviegoers of America’s past sins, the (undisputed) evil of slavery, and the long struggle to realize a more perfect union.

In 2017, the Smithsonian magazine warned against giving too much importance to the 1619 date, cautioning that doing so “distorts history” and places undue emphasis on “us” versus “them” narratives. You don’t say.

The 1619 Project Won’t Heal the Nation, it Will Sow Discord

The famous Roman orator Cicero held to a useful dictum: When you witness large forces on the move or scandal fills the air, ask yourself one question: Cui bono? To translate, “Whom does it benefit?” All Americans should ask themselves the same question about the Times’ ambitious revisionist history endeavor. Who benefits? For what good?

The 1619 Project is politically driven 2020 posturing dressed in the veneer of a historical “exposé.” By warping history, it hopes that dopamine hits of anger and injustice will prevent readers from engaging in objective analysis. Just in time to paint America as racist for the upcoming presidential election.

Judging by responses like the one that appeared in Slate, leftists are ready to swoop in on any criticism of the project, especially from conservatives. It’s hard to see how the entire effort won’t serve to rupture America’s partisan divide even further, and that this wasn’t part of the plan all along.

More problematically, its conclusions—that the United States was built by evil men and founded on a lie—lead to the sort of fundamental transformation leftist radicals have sought for a century. If America is as insidiously evil as the 1619 Project paints, what other recourse but to rip out its cancerous foundations root and stem? Leftists are banking that the outrage caused by the 1619 Project will provide them the political capital required to move to the next stage: a full reconfiguration of America into their image.

We Can’t Change the Past, But We Can Improve Tomorrow

America does not need further tribal rhetoric tearing up what little societal cohesion remains. The nation certainly doesn’t benefit from Times writers conducting a growing chorus of anger and grievance.

The New York Times used to at least feign impartiality. Yet the last two years give reason to question its reputation for sound judgment, especially where history is concerned. It published, for instance, one pillow-soft piece lauding mass-murderer Mao Zedong and another opining that sex was better under communist rule.

So, what if we stopped focusing on “racial identity” and the sins of men committed 400 years ago? What if, instead, we followed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s advice and judged one another by the content of our character here and now—today—not in 1619, but 2019? Cui bono? To whom would that benefit? Everyone who prays for unity in our fractured republic.

Related links: The Ghost Of John C. Calhoun Haunts Today’s American Left
The 1519 Project: How Early Spanish Explorers Took Down A Mass-Murdering Indigenous Cult
Dinesh D'Souza debunks "sophisticated lies" in NYT's 1619 Project

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

This unAmerican allure benefits none

I hope more out there are listening to Mark Levin, in general of course, but particularly over these past few weeks of pinpointing the dangers in what's become of today's redefined and radicalized Democratic Party, as well as the internal challenges its Republican counterpart faces. From just a handful of recent programs, it's more apparent than ever that this allure of the progressive agenda is not in America's corner. This Democratic-socialist metamorphosis is of course nothing new to those with eyes wide open, yet it's still astonishing to see it unfold well within the 21st century's first quarter.

In a segment where Levin laid out how Democratic senators are threatening the Supreme Court if they aren't given what they want on gun control, an old move reminiscent of FDR's days that could have new detrimental ramifications, he touched on perhaps an even more profound litany of issues that are clearly defining...

'an unAmerican party'
" you have multiple senior Senate Democrats, in a brief filed in the Supreme Court for all the media to see, threatening the Supreme Court with restructuring if they don’t get in line on gun control. You have Brett Kavanaugh, a sitting associate justice of the Supreme Court, being threatened by the House Judiciary Committee, which wants his records from the time he was working at the White House Counsel’s office — that is a threat against a sitting justice — and constantly intimating about impeachment of that justice. You have presidential candidates, including Joe Biden, trashing the Declaration of Independence, trashing the Constitution. You have them all almost unanimously trashing free markets and capitalism, attacking the Electoral College, attacking the Second Amendment. This is an unAmerican party. It has become a radicalized, unAmerican party, rejecting the Constitution except when it thinks it can help them... Attacking one institution after another..."

"This is a party that’s very, very comfortable with tyranny. This is a party that’s very comfortable with a centralized, iron-fisted government, as long as they run it, as long as they control it."
And not to gleam over their rediscovered anti-Semitic sentiments and setups as well, but let's stay on topic towards what 'ism' the above describes descending towards as it seeks to decimate the remnants remaining of our foundational systems.

“One of the problems we have here is the absolute inability of elected Republicans, and even conservatives/Republicans on television and radio, to discuss free-market capitalism. In fact, some of them trash it now. ‘We’re all populists now.’ ‘We’re all nationalists now.’ No, I’m not, I’m a constitutional conservative. We seem to have difficulty explaining capitalism. Why is that? The Left doesn’t have any problem discussing socialism. They may not label it socialism, but they’re proud about redistribution of wealth. … They’re very, very articulate in their tyranny. Tell me, who’s articulate about liberty? ...

Listen to the Democrat debates: Attacking wealth. Attacking success. Attacking corporations. Well, if we didn’t allow the creation of wealth and success and corporations, we’d be a disastrous country! And nobody articulates it! We’re in an anti-industrial, de-industrial revolution now...

Collectivism, socialism, Marxism, call it whatever you want. This ‘ism’ — it’s deadly. We’ll starve to death. We’ll go without health care. They can paint all the pictures they want. Look at the people! The propagandists and the demagogues who are promoting it. They haven’t created a damn thing. They haven’t hired a damn person! And yet, this is what they keep pushing."
And try, try, try as they might to change us into something we're not, nor have ever been, nor have ever even conceived to be, facts and reason, not emotions, show us...

"[David Burton] says it's arithmetically impossible to fund the Progressive agenda just by taxing the rich. ...if you understand Marxism, Marxism has as its purpose the destruction of the existing society. Oh yes, it focuses on material determinism and so forth, goes hand in hand police-state, fascistic, centralized government. Do you know a democracy, seriously, that is communist? A republic that is communist? Of course you don't. Do you know a free people who are communist? No. You see, you never get to that Marx nirvana. What's supposed to happen is everything comes together, and eventually when they've wiped out the existing society and replaced it with egalitarianism, there's no more need for government. 'Oh Mark, that's so stupid.' Yes, I agree, but that effectively what it's soft sister socialism is based on. And Burton points out that...
It is arithmetically impossible to pay for progressive promises by “taxing the rich.” Progressive promises are too expensive—and the amount of income earned by the rich is too small. Even using lower cost estimates, confiscating every dollar earned by every taxpayer with incomes of $200,000 or more would only pay for about half of the progressive agenda. And that figure is based on the false assumption that people would continue to work, save, and invest when subject to a 100 percent flat tax. The reality is that progressive promises can only be funded by increasing taxes on the middle class from three to 10 times their current level or, for a limited time, by dramatic and unsustainable increases in federal borrowing.
Now isn't it interesting that none of what I'm telling you will be used at the next Democratic debate by any so-called journalist, because it's written by the Heritage Foundation? But you're not going to get a serious, studious examination of the numbers by left-wing think tanks. You're certainly not going to get them by the media. Again, this is a very damaging thing the media do to this country.

So confiscating every dollar earned by taxpayers with incomes over $200,000 would not come close to paying for the Left's agenda. Ok? Not even come close."

“In other words, you’re paying 100 percent of your income, plus you’re paying a payroll tax, various withholding taxes. So you’re paying over 100 percent on every dollar you earn, and it still doesn’t work.”
Yet, I still have to ask myself daily, knowing what we ALL know of the Democratic Party (past/present/future?!), even taking into account Republican clunkiness, why such a large number of citizens, Americans, would knowingly elect such destructive Democratic radicals to office with equally destructive agendas? Either they just don't know, or unfortunately more likely, all they can see is imperfection, real or perceived (more so the latter), irrespective of the benefits they've ALL acquire through America's majesty, which in turn points to self-defeating absurdity that will affect us ALL if we allow the allure to snare us. Don't let it.

Related links: Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s History
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Democrats vs. the Constitution
The Constitution Is an Obstacle to Realizing the Democratic Agenda
Trump isn’t the biggest threat to the Constitution. Democrats are.
Mark Levin: Greatest Threat To Constitution Isn't Foreign, It's The Democrats; "These Are Sick People"

ADDENDUM: By the way, as Levin writes, "America’s poorest citizens are wealthier than 60% of the rest of the developed world, yet the left continues to say that capitalism does not work. Again, this is the media lying to us about race, racism, hunger, poverty, and law enforcement."

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Where's their tone?! The media has crossed the line...

Week after week, for years honestly, we've bore witness to precisely why Levin wrote his latest book on the corrupt, biased, agenda-driven Media, as opposed to a much needed free press revival of which America is so desperately starving for. Yet, their open omissions have been on full-bore display this week, and as one writer puts it, the media has now crossed a line and there's no going back...
This has been one of the most hectic and disturbing news cycles I can remember.

It started off with three mass shootings within a 24 hour period, one in El Paso, one in Dayton, and one in Chicago. Because the latter two didn’t fit the narrative, they were essentially memory-holed right away. I don’t think the shooting in Chicago even made national news for the most part.

While acts of evil are distressing enough, it was the response to those shootings which has brought such a unique dread to the public sphere. Bad things have happened throughout our history, but the venom with which one side is attacking the other over things they had nothing to do with has reached a new level in the modern era. It really does feel like we are coming apart at the seams, with near majorities of the country being accused of “white supremacy” by some major figures simply for supporting a politician.

Driving the division, broad brushing, and hatred this week has been the liberal media. Whether it’s newspapers amplifying the disgusting rhetoric of people like Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren or the constant stream of divisive, racially tinged editorials that are being pushed out, there’s no question of their role. The cable news beat has been even worse, with one MSNBC host actually saying that Donald Trump wants there to be mass shootings while another threatened business owners as complicit in white supremacy who donate to the GOP.

I never thought I’d say this during the Trump era because things are always so crazy, but this week was different. A line was crossed by the media and there’s no going back.

Here’s a sampling of some of the insane and incredibly dangerous rhetoric that’s been bandied about.

Meanwhile, you had outlets like The Daily Beast making up quotes in order to further incite hatred toward Mitch McConnell. That hatred manifested in a protest outside his house where people actually screamed that they wanted to stab the Senate Majority Leader in the heart. Twitter decided to scrub the video from their platform for obvious reasons, but here’s another source.

Things escalated further when Joaquin Castro decided to publicly post a chart containing the names, addresses, and employers of Trump donors. This was obviously done to spurn harassment of those individuals, who included retirees and a homemaker among the list of non-public figures. There would be no other reason to do what Castro did, even though he’s attempting to claim otherwise now.

While the press continues to blame Republicans for their “rhetoric,” there’s no question that the vitriol we’ve seen from the left this week dwarfs anything anyone on the mainstream right has ever said or done in a political setting. Period. Calling entire voting blocks white supremacists, doxxing donors, yelling for the death of a Senator, asserting Republicans want mass shootings to occur, threatening people for their political activities, asserting the President wants to exterminate a race – these are not the rantings of sane people looking for de-escalation of rhetoric. They are the drivers of escalation in our rhetoric and it’s reaching dangerous levels.

There’s no coming back from this for the media. There will never be a time when a majority of the country trusts them again. They will always now be looked on with scorn by far more people than those who approve of their actions. No amount of rehabilitation post-Trump is going to save this current generation of journalists and cable news pundits from the credibility death spiral they chose to enter.

These people have lost it. They are so caught up in their bubbles that they can’t even function with any sense of rationality. When the press as an institution finally burns to the ground, they have no one to blame but themselves and things are only going to get worse.
They hurriedly bypass the victims to cut directly to screaming "RACIST!" and worse. None of these examples are news, folks. This is pure propaganda used in much of the same fashion as past regimes (yes, the ones they're constantly comparing the majority of Americans and our duly elected representatives to). 

Gutfeld hit the nail on the head with that old saying: "A conservative thinks a liberal is wrong, but a liberal thinks a conservative is evil." And that's exactly where the Left, both politicos and punditry, have taken it. 

So, when they lecture us on tone, where the hell is theirs?! It's too busy inflaming beyond the pale, which when carelessly incessant as it continues to be day in and day out, can tie dangerous actions to the rhetoric that directs undiscerning viewers, and dare I even mention unstable minds (not the first, won't be the last to lay out that consideration).

Related links: A Batty Week at MSNBC
The Media’s Disgusting Bloodlust
Mass Shootings in Gun-Free Zones

Monday, August 5, 2019

America's moral crisis points to the real root cause of mass murder

...we already knew that following these horrific slaughters that the media would blame President Trump, the NRA, and the second amendment. However, the one word we’re not hearing is — virtue. Virtue has been pushed off of television, out of the movie theaters, and even out of the public square... As such, morality is up for grabs, this is the breakdown of our civil society. Virtue, morality, and faith cannot be legislated. We should celebrate morality and virtue for only faith and a commitment to law and order [stops] acts such as these, not more government. ...maybe we should get back to tried and true morals and values that reinforce our society as a whole. ~ Mark Levin, 8/5/19
In the wake of these horrific mass shootings, we receive the same, tiresome wash-rinse-repeat pattern of media and politician alike: the demagoguery of gun control calls that will further disarm the law-abiding while the law-breakers ignore, the constant racialization of the 'white' mass shooter while ignoring inner city and overall gun violence statistics that point to the contrary, and the further propagandizing of always blaming the Right when there are overwhelming linkages to the Left. But as tired and predictable as these reactions have become, Selwyn Duke expands much in the same way that Levin does above, "In truth, the main underlying cause of increased mass-murder events -- and so much evil in general -- is a severe philosophical/spiritual malaise besetting our nation."

Duke begins walking us down this deteriorating path with the soulless breakdown of psychology in its 19th century divorce from philosophy to deem it a science, thus decimating the very existence of morality and culminating into what's often referred to as moral relativism, which inevitably leads to moral nihilism...
For if man’s “values,” which really are just people’s preferences, are all there is, then morality doesn’t actually exist.

This idea has swept society, as evidenced by a Barna Group research company study I often cite. It found that, in 2002 already, a minority of Americans and only six percent of teens believed in Truth (absolute by definition), with a majority saying, quite oxymoronically, “Truth is relative.”

Forget Protagoras [“Man is the measure of all things.”], the problem with this is that it also boils down to occultist Aleister Crowley’s maxim, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Moral relativism/nihilism is the ultimate justification. Rape, kill, steal -- commit mass murder? Who’s to say it’s wrong? Don’t impose your values on me, dude.

This moral relativism/nihilism -- along, of course, with the godlessness of which it’s a corollary -- is our deep cultural malaise. It has been encouraged by modern psychology and so many other things; it is why, while we once viewed misbehavior and criminality as moral problems, we now consider them psychological problems. In other words, the organic robot is malfunctioning, a result of a defect in its hardware (genetics) or software (programming).

Translation: Forget that mythical thing called morality; we need to find out what kind of chemical intervention or programming alteration (or future gene therapy) can correct the machine’s operation.

This cultural malaise is devastating. Stop believing in something (i.e., morality) and you’ll cease learning about it; this is why most today can’t explain what virtues (“good moral habits”) are, let alone enumerate any great number of them (charity, diligence, chastity, honesty, prudence, etc.).

Moreover, if you neither believe in nor understand something, it follows that you’ll have neither the inclination nor capacity to teach it. Is it any surprise, then, that moderns are doing such a poor job imparting morality to children?

Returning for a moment to the El Paso shooter, do you want to bet that he and his father aren’t part of the morally relativistic/nihilistic majority? How likely is it that dad provided old-fashioned discipline and inculcated his son with virtue?

Interestingly, I’ve long pointed out that when people can no longer reference Truth when making moral decisions, the only yardstick they have left is emotion. Ergo, the modern credo, “If it feels good, do it.” Barna’s study vindicated this, mind you, finding that most Americans now “base their moral choices on feelings.”
And I think most of us are all too familiar with where feelings-over-facts have gotten us in the 21st century: confused, angry and divided. So it stands to reason that if emotions hold sway, then perhaps it's worth looking into what shapes these feelings. And despite kickback across the spectrum of political thought, Duke poses considerations of contributing factors to our moral decay...
Just consider, for instance, the mindless, gratuitous violence; prurient sexuality; and morally nihilistic messages in modern movies and television programs.

Note something else also, and this is where I get pushback even from conservatives and (especially) libertarians, as it slaughters many people’s sacred entertainment cows and, they fear, may imply censorship’s necessity. Studies have shown that 15 years after television’s introduction -- and this is true the world over -- crime increased precipitously. (I explored this in-depth here.) Now consider that the Internet is TV10.

Video games are a factor as well (and this is where I really get pushback). Lt. Col. David Grossman, one of the world’s foremost experts on what he calls “killology,” contends that simulated video-game participatory violence (and the extreme violence on TV) amount to the kind of conditioning/desensitization used to inure soldiers to killing.

Then, of course, with mass shootings there’s also the psychotropic-medication factor and the copycat phenomenon. As to the latter, in a morally relativistic/nihilistic world where all is vanity, mass murder can be an alluring ticket to fame for those wallowing in meaninglessness.
While those are certainly considerations, again, the bottom line comes down to morality, or a lack thereof...or, even more precisely, to a lack of belief in it.
Note here that the six percent of 2002 teens who believed in Truth simply reflect a pattern, as each succeeding generation is more relativistic/nihilistic than the last. This also corresponds to the generational increase in wickedness. It’s as strong a correlation as you’ll find anywhere.

Say what you will about TV, the Internet, video games, violence, or mass murder, it can’t be right or wrong if there is no right or wrong. It’s the ultimate self-evident reality: How can you build a moral society when its shades-of-gray people don’t even believe in morality?
In other words, as Chris Banescu puts it, "America faces a moral crisis, not a gun control problem."
As God and morality are purged from all our institutions, darkness, chaos, evil, and violence grow to fill in the gap. There is no political solution or regulation that will stop these evildoers. Only more armed law-abiding citizens and a true spiritual and moral revival will help reduce these atrocities and protect innocent lives. ...

We are now reaping the results of rejecting God and His moral laws, truth, and wisdom.
God help us to recover the virtue so desperately needed again.
ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favour and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honourable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogancy, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail...
...Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly, union and concord: that as there is but one Body and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Related links: Mass shootings: What is and is not capable of political solutions
Mass shootings: The unicorn gun control policy as the magic solution

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indespensible supports. It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government." ~ George Washington

"We may look up to armies for our defense, but virtue is our best security. It is not possible that any state should long remain free where virtue is not supremely honored." ~ Samuel Adams

"Virtue must underlay all institutional arrangements if they are to be healthy and strong. The principles of democracy are easily destroyed as human nature is corrupted." ~ John Adams

Related links: Levin: America doesn’t need ‘more laws, more government.’ It needs more virtue
Levin, Limbaugh, the Left & Media, and Mass Shootings

Friday, August 2, 2019

Of bread and hen...

In today's hyperbolic attitude of entitlement and identity politics demanded by the few elites, referencing a couple of Reagan's little treatises on basic economics and the individual's struggle against the tyranny of the state are certainly in order for sufficient ammunition against the detrimental forces at work...

The Incredible Bread Machine...

The Little Red Hen...

History truly does repeat itself, and the leftist marriage of media and polity gives pause to reflect on these basic tenets of capitalism vs socialism, self-reliance vs dependency, ingenuity vs ignorance, liberty vs tyranny.