Thursday, March 21, 2019

A quick presidential point on the media...

Just a quick presidential point...via Ted Koppel!
"Veteran news anchor Ted Koppel has come out again saying that the media is no longer the reservoir of objectivity that it once was. Stating that becoming the enemy of the President is not the role of the press." ~ MLS, 3/19/19

Koppel completely backs up Trump's feeling, and at least half of America's feeling, on the matter...
Whichever side of the political aisle you reside, it's more obvious than ever before in our lifetimes, blatantly displayed for all to see. Where so many in the press want to present this calling-out as nothing more than hyperbole, I have to say that either of these gentlemen are on the mark about the nonobjective, unabashed, unhealthy bias going on, and Jesse Watters is spot on in his analysis... is Tucker Carlson's calm, collected unraveling of the phony dossier and media deceit...
...or an even calmer sit-down with Levin and Bennett, reminiscent of Buckley's Firing Line discussions, addressing the incessant barrage, the President's ability to surpass it, the media's hard left trajectory, as well as the Democrats (but I repeat myself, which is an integral part of the problem), and the overall influencing of young American minds...

I purposefully pulled from the President's tweets for a couple of reasons. First, this was not an effort to promote one broadcast source over another. Quite the contrary. I want to demonstrate another obvious point: there's limited broadcasting of truth occurring, whether journalistic or opinion, and fewer courageous enough to address it.

Secondly, and speaking as one highly critical of the usage early on in his presidency, is a point that the man just made himself, which I've come to appreciate as a necessity as long as the media continues to act up...
I wish I could say that as time passes, they'll abandon the revisionism and embrace a booming economic optimism brought about by this administration, one that even CNN frets over. I wish I could say they'd abandon all of the day-to-day nonsense. But don't count on the media to heed Koppel's warning and do the right thing anytime soon.

So in the meantime, keep chirping through the darkness, both he and we.

Related link: Levin: CNN is home to ‘frauds and phonies’