Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The illegitimacy of both the invasion mob and the new Democratic stance

Speaking of mobs, and scheduled for midterm mayhem no less, it has been reported over the past few days that the migrant 'caravan' (better known as an invasion MOB) headed for the US has surged to 7000 and growing!
The caravan consisting primarily of Central American migrants seeking to reach the United States has swelled to an estimated 7,000.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has pledged to close down the U.S.-Mexican border and is requiring any who plan to seek asylum in the United States to apply in Mexico first.

Fox News reported Monday that the caravan — which numbered about 1,600 at the beginning of its trek from northen Honduras — had grown to anywhere between 5,000 to 10,000 people. An NBC report put the number at 7,000.

The Mexican government had agreed last week to stop the caravan at its southern border with Guatemala, but was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.
And I'm still shaking my head at how our media just scoff at the blatant PAYOFFS caught on camera, and either outright ignore them or just attempt to explain them away!

With early voting ensuing and the midterms just around the corner, it's difficult not to suspect this could be occurring at the behest of likely, but untraceable, Soros funds & Democratic socialist allies abroad and here at home (remember, VP Pence informed us that this invasion was organized by leftist groups in Honduras, financed by Venezuela, and sent north to challenge our sovereignty!). Following their failed Kavanaugh derailing, and preceded by the latest bomb charade (maybe more on that later), these folks will do anything to fundamentally transform America BACK to their dystopia.

Adding to that, as the media attempts to dispel concerns of terrorists infiltrating these groups, it's been reported that Bangladeshis have been sighted in the migrant mob...WHAT?!
A Spanish language reporter who has spent weeks embedded with the migrant caravan said in a Friday report that people from Bangladesh had joined the mass of people trying to cross from Guatemala into Mexico.

Univision correspondent Francisco Santa Anna reported from the bridge separating Guatemala and Mexico. The bridge has been packed with thousands of migrants demanding access to Mexico, with the ultimate goal of crossing the border of the United States illegally. The caravan has now swelled to many thousands.

The Bangladeshis, he said, were detained in an immigration facility, though it’s not clear what happened to them after their detention.

“Yesterday when we were traveling through Guatemala, we noticed people from El Salvador and even people from Bangladesh,” he continued. “Can you imagine what they had to do to get here? They infiltrated themselves in this caravan and tried to cross with the crowd. That would have benefited them greatly.”
Not to mention MS-13 gang members who already exist in the region, but there could be even worse...
Homeland Security officials said Tuesday that among the thousands of migrants heading for the United States border are some “gang members” and people with “significant criminal histories.”

Department spokesperson Tyler Houlton said on Twitter that the caravan, 7,000 migrants strong by some estimates, includes citizens not only of Central American countries, but also of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and “elsewhere.”

“.@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories,” another tweet read. He did not offer more specifics.
The statement by the DHS reinforced an earlier tweet from President Trump, in which he maintained that the caravan included “criminals and unknown Middle Easterners.”
All of that, including the media campaign to smear Trump over this invasion, instead of a concern for the well being of American citizens, was covered on Tuesday's Mark Levin Show:
This isn’t a caravan of immigrants, it’s an invasion! The media and its appendage, the Democratic Party, are framing the narrative claiming that President Trump is driving a message of fear and lies about these foreigners marching from central America to America. In fact, some “reporters” went as far as keeping the story solely on Trump and their propaganda about “fear-mongering” clearly turning a blind eye to the impending invasion of thousands of people at our southern border. While the media blames Trump for scaring people, the real fear lies with MS-13 which is a genuine threat to urban communities across America.

CR: Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio program, LevinTV host Mark Levin lit into the liberal media — particularly CNN — for calling President Trump’s immigration stance “fear-mongering.”

“Some of them are actually called reporters and anchors and hosts. Does this sound like news to you?” Levin said.

Levin also called out the senior White House correspondent for ABC News for twisting the migrant caravan story and insulting the large population of Americans who understand the seriousness of illegal immigration.

“This is also an attack on you, you see, because you’re so stupid that the president is able to cause you to be fearful and scared. You’re so stupid you can’t process what’s actually taking place. And besides, it’s only 0.06 percent of all undocumented people already in this country. The irony is that there’s so many illegal aliens in this country” that the caravan of thousands marching toward our southern border “is simply no big deal,” Levin said.

“It’s MS-13 that stokes fear, not the President of the United States.”
It's become virtually unnoticeable how much the mainstream media are the Democrats, and the Democrats are the media these days. Look no further than each's influence on the other in this singular issue. However, there was a time, not so long ago, that even Democrat, YES, Democratic leaders, thought illegal immigration was a dangerous phenomenon and would not have stood for this invading mob, as opposed to how both (or one in the same) seem to invite it now...

At 1995's SOTU address, Bill received a standing ovation from BOTH sides of the aisle for this delivery!
"We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."

In 2005, then-Sen. Obama seemed to take an even tougher stance...
"We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country."
Think he meant "to become citizens of this country," but nonetheless, WOW...

Then as president, he even thought as late as 2013 while pushing comprehensive immigration reform that real reform meant stronger borders, putting more boots on the Southern border to reduce illegal crossings, as well as establishing a responsible pathway to earned citizenship...
"a path that includes passing a background check, paying taxes and a meaningful penalty, learning English, and going to the back of the line behind the folks trying to come here legally."

And beyond the last few Democratic presidents, how about the rational words of these Democratic leaders?!

Harry Reid in 1993:

Chuck Schumer in 2009:

Bernie Sanders in 2007:

Hillary Clinton in 2003:

...and in 2015 during her failed presidential bid:

...and many, many others can be found repeating similar sentiment. Then hypocrisy happened, and now both they and their media have flipped:

So were the rational stances they used to take only words, just words?

You'll no longer hear a reasonable Democratic utterance to this INVASION as that of the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan:

In stark contrast, as Levin points out, "[today's] Democrats want to change the citizenry because that’s the way to change the electorate. If you oppose this destruction of our country, our system of commerce, or our system of healthcare you’ll be labeled a racist, xenophobe or misogynist. They will not debate the issues because their ideology is illegitimate and they know it!" And I'd add, if you oppose this destruction of our country, you'd better recognize the hypocrisy of this party, along with the arrogancy of its media, and instead STAND UP to VOTE against it over the next few weeks!

Related links: BWAHAHAHA Trump retweets video of Obama saying we can’t allow illegals to POUR into our country!
Democrats' caravan problem just got worse: Varney
The Left Goes Full Open Borders