Saturday, June 23, 2018

Pratt tells this generation: "You have a Soul, there is a God, and learn to Pray"

He pointed out we have souls, there is a God, we should learn to pray to that God, and someone died for us though we are imperfect and we can find grace. It's a pretty good message delivered to a crowd of celebrities and teens. ~ EE
I knew I liked this guy...we need more like him!

In all it's meandering between the guy humor of feeding a dog medicine and pooping at a party, here's how we get through to the next generation...
TheResurgent: In a world where Robert De Niro, Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin are all hailed for speaking ‘truth to power’ with vulgar, hate-filled language, it is only appropriate to celebrate when a celebrity does something that breaks with that trend.

[Chris] Pratt gave an acceptance speech after winning the Generation Award that made my heart smile. In his Nine Rules For Life, he included some things you don’t hear in acceptance speeches in Hollywood. He gave a blueprint filled with humility, hard work and grace.

Now I do not know a lot, and I have skipped awards show generally for the virtue signaling to Progressive ideas, but when was the last time a Hollywood star talked about the sacrifices that have been made for the freedoms we enjoy? When was the last time in a venue like this so clearly evoked the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us? Invited people to accept that sacrifice to receive grace? You can't Google it, I tried.

What is even more amazing? The audience is clapping and responding at every rule. It is as if even in that venue, everyone hears the plain truths in his words and knows they are true on some level. Quite frankly, in the current environment, that gives me hope. Hope that we can agree on some centered ideas and move forward.

Recently, these conversations and ideas were being relegated to something called the "Intellectual Dark Web", where men like Peterson, Ben Shapiro and others ​talk about them passionately and regularly with a lot of intellectual rigor. I am a regular consumer of their podcasts and lectures. Now I have a Marvel hero that is beloved in my house, on record in plain language professing his belief in hard work, responsibility, faith and grace.

Perhaps Pratt's speech was meant to be a gift to his own son at some later date. I would argue he gave us all a gift we can share with our own children right now. Star-Lord has spoken.
Right on...and Amen.