Before I'm derided as a Trumper, I'm certainly not implying perfection here. I've had plenty of issues throughout his first year, most of which I've voiced on this blog. However, with the new year, I'd be remiss to ignore what appears to be the President's near Reaganesque streak, not so much in reference to policy (although such is the case in some areas), but rather a reestablishment of American optimism.
Beyond the elephants and asses (certainly accurate for the latter), beyond the day-in, day-out strife (or actual collusion in too many cases) of the Washington cesspool, there's been a more optimistically cohesive tone in the President's voice, speaking out for common sense, liberty, security, patriotism, faith, family...all in all, a more positive promotion of Americanism that supersedes a mere slogan.
Whether through accomplishments or proposals last month...
...there can be little denial of the stark turnaround from our nation's former lopsided messaging and direction under the prior administration, a turnaround that I'd dare describe as a more genuine fulfillment towards hope and change for Americans.
Perhaps it's a result of finally settling into the presidential role; and if so, that's a very good thing. And maybe I'm only just now noticing, which I'm sure someone will tell me. However, this feels like something more, like a turnaround in optimism that we've sorely missed. Refreshing.
You don't have to agree with every proposal, and I'm highly skeptical that we can 'get the job done' with the current crop of politicians, but to experience this sea change of optimism in both direction and tone is a noteworthy accomplishment in itself towards the effort to (yes, now I'm gonna use that slogan) make America great again.
Let's hope these sensibilities continue...I pray they do.