Wednesday, November 9, 2016

From 'wrong' to 'reset'

I think Erick Erickson has exquisitely stated it (so definitely read the whole piece!)...time to eat crow, swallow pride, and reset. God's Will has been dealt, so let's see what He has in store for all of us with a Trump/Pence presidency...

“I was wrong about so much about this election and so were so many others. The sooner we get over our pride, eat some crow, and realize we missed the mood of the country, the sooner we can move on.”
What a wild & crazy election in a wild & crazy year...and now Donald J. Trump is our president-elect...
Donald Trump outperformed every public opinion poll. He beat the odds and ran the table and he will be the President of the United States.

This morning I am like a broken record admitting in every post how much I got wrong. As I should because I did. And now I hope I am wrong about Donald Trump. He has the opportunity to unite people in ways no one thought possible, but that the results suggest he alone might be able to do.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence and their families should be in our prayers. They now have a heavy burden on them and the weight of a nation in turmoil pressing down on them.

God always has a plan and I put my trust in Him, not men. But Donald Trump and Mike Pence are now explicit parts of God’s plans and I pray for them and wish them well.
And seeing as it's technically morning (although I'm about to finally go to sleep!), I find it fitting to end this post with a common prayer for both our outgoing president and our incoming president-elect, as well as all in civil authority. Lord knows we all need more of it...
O LORD our Governor, whose glory is in all the world; We commend this nation to thy merciful care, that being guided by thy Providence, we may dwell secure in thy peace. Grant to THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and to all in Authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do thy will. Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness; and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in thy fear; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
Related links: An Open Letter to the Democrats
#NeverTrump Must Model The Humility They Claim Trump Does Not Have

ADDENDUM: Glenn Beck also extended an olive branch to the president-elect, pledging to "support" him in the days to come. He urged his listeners to be graceful because the U.S. cannot afford another “failed presidency.”...
“I am reaching out today. I will call him today. ... Anyone who says they want to be the president of all people — I’m there. This is the very first time he has said that. He has said before he doesn’t need us, doesn’t need our audience, or whatever, and that’s campaign. He’s now the president. So whatever we can do to help him, as long as we’re staying constitutional, we’re there.”

Related links: Mark Levin's Finest Hour
Ted Cruz praises Trump's 'amazing victory'
Ben Sasse Responds To President-Elect Trump