Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Nikki Haley...another establishment sweetheart, America

Gov. Haley is at it again. As if she has proven it enough already, from her establishment endorsements to the removal of the Confederate flag, "She's so wrapped up in PC, she doesn't even know what she's saying."...or does she?
TRS: Mark Levin opened his show today discussing Nikki Haley’s Republican response from last night, pointing out that while she did say some good things, she also played the role of establishment Republican and said some really dumb things, specifically with respect to immigration. He even says at one point she sounds exactly like Obama.
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina sounds like Hillary Clinton. She is taking her comments from liberal and establishment types when it comes to immigration. Americans would do well to remember that we are a nation of citizens, not immigrants. A nation of immigrants who overstay their visas is a lawless one.
Welcome another establishment sweetheart, America...and believe me when I say it's not just the party she's injuring.

Related links: Levin: Nikki Haley “Played Establishment Republican”
What the Nikki Haley Speech Means
Ronaldus Magnus Responds to Haley