"It's not enough to fund the Welfare State. Now they want to make a determination on how you get to live, what your lifestyle is, your family, what they get to keep. You know what we call that, ladies and gentlemen? Tyranny."Ladies and gentlemen, the best damn analysis you're gonna get on President Mastermind's latest destructive, redistributive ramblings...
TRS: Mark Levin went through Obama’s interview with VOX and completely shredded it, clip by clip. It’s honestly the best analysis you are going to hear on the Marxist claptrap being spewed by this president.To ignore this blatant Marxism at this point is to simply ignore the truth of the matter, America. So when is our national destruction by one man, by one group of people, gonna be enough?
On Monday's Mark Levin Show: Politicized science is another dangerous area where statists abuse power, destroy tradition, and reject knowledge. President Obama speaks of investing in the common good, but how does one man know what the common good is? We the people determine the common good, not some social engineering mastermind. Capitalism is a system of redistributing wealth, but the difference is we have the freedom to choose where we put our money. Obama is all about redistributing a shrinking society but we’re all about creating a society with limitless opportunity.
While he lives like a king."And of course, never, ever, in Obama's Marxist fantasyland, ever, does he ask how's this gonna get paid for? They lie. If confronted, they say tax the rich. Folks, we could expropriate everything the rich have, throw them in a gulag, and we'll never get out of this economic mess, ever, ever. And I want to know how are we gonna get out of this economic mess when this guy acts like nothing's going on, and he's still pushing us in that trajectory towards more spending, more debt, more taxes, and more government."
Related links: Obama on why he’s such a polarizing president
Obama Does It Again, Blames Me and Fox News for the Polarization of Politics
Why Politicized Science is Dangerous
Obama: Taxes Not 'Particularly High,' 'Progressive'; Need To Invest In 'Common Good'
How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make?
Obama Touts “Inclusive Capitalism”
Obama’s budget targets your retirement accounts
RUSH WAS RIGHT! Obama Making A Beeline For Retirement Accounts
The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
How the Fed Exacerbated Wealth Disparity