Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It’s time to draft Ted Cruz for President!

Was wondering when this push would begin...and not only before this year's midterms, but two years before the presidential election. Perfect timing!
RedState: When Republicans run for the White House as conservatives, we win. When they run as moderates, we lose. Yet every four years, the party bosses and political consultants tell us that conservatives are unelectable and that we must support their big-government candidates.

I’m convinced that if we want to win the White House in 2016, we must nominate a consistent, full-spectrum conservative. We need a candidate who stands for something and won’t back down when the liberals launch their attacks.

That is why I am launching a new political action committee to draft Ted Cruz for President. With your help, we will draft, nominate, and elect Ted Cruz as the 45th President of the United States. ...

In his first year in the Senate, Ted Cruz went toe-to-toe with the most powerful people in the country. He was attacked by Democrats as well as Republicans, but he didn’t back down.

When Republicans were ready to cave on gun control in early 2013, Ted Cruz was one of the few who fought to stop it. When Republicans were ready to roll over on Obamacare, Ted Cruz refused. And when Republicans tried to deceive their constituents on the debt limit, Ted Cruz refused to go along and fought for us.

Americans are frustrated with Washington because politicians in both parties aren’t listening. They’re sick of politicians who say one thing on the campaign trail, but then do something else once they’re elected.

Ted Cruz is different.

Ted Cruz made explicit promises to the people of Texas on the campaign trail and then did something completely foreign to Washington: he kept his word.

It’s why he is hated by Washington insiders, but loved by so many Americans. Ted Cruz doesn’t just make promises. He delivers. ...

Ted Cruz is the people’s candidate and we need to be the ones driving the effort to elect him.

So if you’re ready to be proud of your vote again and you agree that Ted Cruz should run for president, please do three things:
1. Go to and sign the official Draft Ted Cruz for President petition.
2. Urge your friends and family to join you.
3. Donate whatever you can to help us spread the word and build support.
Making DC listen won’t be easy. It’s going to take millions of Americans standing together to draft, nominate, and elect Ted Cruz as president, and we need your help today.

With your support, we will gather over 1 million petitions this year and assemble an army of activists who will make the calls, walk the precincts, and donate the money needed to elect Ted Cruz as the 45th President of the United States.

Please join your fellow Americans in this fight for our nation’s future. President Obama has done serious and lasting damage to our country, and now is our time to make it right.
Already signed, spreading the word now, and I'm ready to hit the streets!

Related link: Can America move past sequels and reboots in 2016?