Friday, May 24, 2013

Obama: 'global war on terror' is over

Despite the terrorists...who knew?
USNews: The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S.

This shift in rhetoric accompanies new or updated efforts to defeat al-Qaida and its affiliates, the president said in a speech at the National Defense University within Washington, DC's Fort McNair. Al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan is on a "path to defeat," he said, so the U.S. must focus instead on al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula -- "the most active" in plotting against the U.S. -- homegrown violent extremism and unrest in the Arab world that leads to attacks like the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic post.
Of course, this isn't the first time he's suggested such. Words, just words. New rhetoric, same terrorists...without calling them 'terrorists'.

And the fact that he doesn't want to admit it, Ft. Hood, Benghazi, Boston and a number of smaller incidents were absolutely acts of terrorism under his watch. No amount of announcing that it's over, that Bin Laden's dead, that al-Qaeda is on the run, or declaring victory, makes it so. For the record, Obama didn't say that we won, nor does he call it a war on terror. And everyone who lived through these attacks would beg to differ that al-Qaeda is actually on the run. Quite the contrary...
AmericanThinker: With the president's declaration that the US isn't going to fight a war anymore, what effect do you think that will have on the terrorists overseas? Al-Qaeda declared war on the US 15 years ago while other terrorist groups followed suit. When one side wants to continue fighting and the other virtually surrenders, how can you judge the outcome of the war any other way except the US has lost?

He's "reshaping" America's image, alright. And there is little doubt that the Islamic world will take note of the weakness that Obama is projecting.

There are places on this planet where terrorists will be able to operate with impunity - free to secretly plan their attacks on America without worrying about either their host country or the United States. We will, as in the manner of police, arrest the perpetrators - after they have engaged in a mass casualty attack on the US.

And that's fine - we can live with that say Obama and his supporters. Of course, they don't mind the deaths of Americans very much because it probably won't be them doing the dying. So we will pretend that 9/11 was just a bad dream or worse - an overreaction to the death of 3,000 citizens.

This is the mindset of Obama's and his supporters. We can absorb a 9/11 every week and still not have to worry about terrorism being an "existential" threat to our survival. Because they can't kill us all, we should undo the "overreaction" to 9/11 and go back to coddling terrorists and those who would do us harm.

There is not a military solution in every aspect of the war on terror. But there should be a military option. And Obama is taking that away in the name of making the US more "popular" with Muslim states.

Good luck with that.
Related link: Obama Meets With Lib Journalists To Coordinate Propaganda Effort…