What's more important, Liberty or Equality?
Mark Levin began last night's program with an essentially important question:
What's more important in a country, liberty or equality?
Before answering, he discussed the latest usurpation of the Obama administration, as well as taking several calls, asking this question. After returning from a break, Levin provided the correct answer (ff to 18min in)...
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark asks and answers the question - what is more important, liberty or equality? He says that liberty is more important because with liberty, comes equality and that liberty allows us to achieve greatness. If you have equality without liberty, than you have tyranny. This is about living free or not wanting to live free. Liberalism seeks to reshape the individual so that they become servants to the state and to the big government.
Which is more important, liberty or equality? Well let me ask you this: what does Obama promote, liberty or equality?
Equality without liberty is tyranny. Equality without liberty destroys individual sovereignty. It destroys human nature; it destroys free will. Equality without liberty is conformity. Manifests itself in many ways, including communism and so forth. Liberty recognizes and embraces individual uniqueness. Liberty makes possible the recognition and enforcement of unalienable rights. Liberty makes possible the equal application of justice, not the equality in terms of conformity of human beings, but the equal access and application of justice. The federal government today doesn't promote liberty in any respect. The Obama administration doesn't promote liberty in any respect. It claims to promote equality, in essence, radical egalitarianism. Radical egalitarianism is the life blood of an authoritarian, centralized, iron-fisted government. Liberty is the enemy of such a government. Radical egalitarianism is what's pursued when you don't have liberty. Once again, does Obama promote the notion of individual sovereignty or liberty in any of his speeches?
The bigger the government gets, the more it gets, the more concentrated its power and centralized its power, doesn't have a problem with equality in terms of conformity, it insists on it. Its problem is with the individual and the individual's nature. The individual must be forced to comply with Obamacare. The individual must be reshaped, so success is defined not as an individual pursuit or accomplishment, but success is defined as a gift from the government to the individual.
Liberty is the bane of tyranny. ... Liberty promotes equality in the sense that it recognizes human nature, and it recognizes that individuals should be treated justly under the law or in society generally. Equality without liberty is tyranny. Equality without liberty begets human misery.
Obamacare's not about freedom, it's about conformity. The IRS isn't about freedom, it's about conformity. Liberalism isn't about freedom, it's about reshaping man so that man becomes the servant of Big Government, so that we the people cease being the sovereigns, but we're the subjects. What do you think all these federal programs are all about? What do you think class warfare's all about? Redistribution of wealth all about? Congress passing these laws, the administrative state, the massive bureaucracy issuing regulations. It's not intended to unleash liberty, to unleash the economy, so that you can pursue your interests and your wants and your desires. It seeks to do the opposite, to control you. It rejects independent, self-sufficient individuals. It seeks to sabotage them, to obstruct them, to crush them.
Equality without liberty is tyranny. Equality without liberty is the pursuit of conformity. And conformity means inhumanity...
The federal government today seeks to smother the individual. The federal government today seeks to reshape the individual. The federal government today pursues conformity...
You cannot have justice, you cannot exercise your unalienable rights, without liberty.
We're not rejecting equality; we're rejecting what equality has become. We're rejecting equality as the overriding force in our society. Equality by itself is tyranny; it's inhumane...
What we need in this nation is more liberty, not less. What we need in this nation is less conformity...
ADDENDUM: If you listened to the end and caught that last caller before the break, Levin goes on an awesome rant against people attacking this country from within: "Is there nobody left in public office who will defend our way of life?"
Obama today going on and on about gun control telling us it’s time to move on, we’ve waited long enough. Who the hell does he think he is? Is he more powerful than the Constitution itself? Is that what we’ve become, ladies and gentlemen? That 2nd amendment is there to protect us from him! That 2nd amendment is there to protect us from Dianne Feinstein! That 2nd amendment is there to protect us from the whole damn bunch of these bastards! That’s why that 2nd amendment is there! And all the rest of them! And they demand that we surrender to them.
Well where does it end? It doesn’t end if we don’t speak up!
Check out the soundbite here!