Monday, July 30, 2012

Decisive differences over Jerusalem

Another decisive difference between the two presidential contenders arose over the weekend and into Monday. The topic: Jerusalem. 

First came Romney's visit to Israel.

Freedom's Lighthouse: During his outstanding speech in Jerusalem [Sunday], Gov. Mitt Romney said what President Barack Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney was unwilling to say the other day – that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel.

(full speech here)

Of course, the radical Islamists (but I repeat myself) flipped out...just listen to this one spokeshole from Hamas (via Jerusalem Post):

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum accused Romney of insulting the feelings of Palestinians and Muslims by declaring that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel during his visit. “These are racist and extremist statements that deny the rights of the Palestinian people,” Barhoum said. “His statements distort and forge history and mislead public opinion.”

HA! 'Distort...forge history...mislead'? Someone get this man a mirror! Then he continued with a standard, “Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinians and Palestine and we will never give it up.” All kinds of historical wrongs there.

But according to yet another Obama administration official, in addition to the borders being up for grabs, apparently the capital city is too! Unbelievable...they, like the Islamists, still continue to deny what all of us learned in our earliest world history and world geography classes. All for politics...

CNSNews: In what marks a decisive difference in the presidential campaign, one day after Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney called Jerusalem the capital of Israel, the White House asserted that Romney’s position was different from that of the Obama administration.

“Our view is that that is a different position than this administration holds. It’s the view of this administration that the capital should be determined in final status negotiations between parties,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Monday.

And when anyone from the Obama administration says 'parties', what they're really talking about are the Israeli authorities and...a bunch of Islamic terrorist masquerading as a political party.

So, there ya go...but I could have sworn there was a president who looks and sounds like Barack Obama that stated definitively back in '08 that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel (as well as some liberal talking heads who seemed fine with it)...

Although, to be fair, by the end of the next month, he did seem to begin giving a bit more of a two-faced response...yet still contending that Jerusalem was the capital city.

As theBlaze points out, "It’s quite a shift to go from “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided” to “the capital should be determined in final status negotiations between parties.” One must wonder what changed – that is, aside from the President’s need to motivate his base."

I believe what we're seeing in this decisive difference is the Obama administration's re-revisited attempts to appease the muslims, the same thing they've done since Barack's reign began in '09. But while Obama refuses to go to Israel, despite trips to Egypt and elsewhere abroad, treating Netanyahu like a distant associate instead of an intimate ally, and now failing to acknowledge that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Mitt Romney does the exact opposite: travels to Israel, delivers a moving speech (which received a standing ovation, btw), treats Bibi & Israel like the close ally they've always been, and even has the cojones to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel. How controversial...NOT!

Note: Mitt didn't demand that Israel return to its pre-1967 borders either.