Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Gipper warned us

“You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” ~ Ronaldus Magnus

He knew them better than they know themselves...they're not 'progressives', they are REGRESSIVES!

Obamacare? Are you kidding me...NEVER would have been supported, pushed or signed by Reagan! You're not fooling anyone, Barry.

The American People recognize statism when they see it (Reagan's one of the men who taught us to recognize it)! They understood that this so-called Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) was repackaged socialized medicine and that this had more to do with gov’t control than individual health choice. They rejected it then, but the political elite said, “settle down, you’ll learn to like it.” Well, guess again!
“Obamacare Less Popular than Any Time Since it Became Law” by Jeffrey H. Anderson

And, why all the waivers? I thought Obamacare was going to cover everyone? Oh right, you won’t loose your insurance…right. Its failing popularity is a reaction to businesses inability to afford and work within the constraints of this so-called ‘reform’!
“HHS grants 500 new healthcare waivers” by Jason Millman

Reagan warned against all of this! Unfortunately, no matter how right he was then and now, our generation shrugged and allowed leaders to rise, who in turn chose poorly. Now we must claw our way out of the hole Reagan called socialized medicine.

AFTERTHOUGHT: Congresswoman Giffords' soul survival is a testament to the BEST and most advanced healthcare system in the world...and her president, as well as her party, are making a fervent attempt to dismantle it in the pursuit of power!