Monday, June 29, 2020

Why aren't we hearing more about treatment?

I just have to say something about this, and hopefully it'll be brief. Social media is literally inundated with "mask" talk after reports of COVID-19 numbers have bumped up. Increased testing is only mentioned in hushed tones, and not a peep out of the media on the last few weeks' worth of protests/riots on America's streets. Nope, it's all just somehow happened. And they're conveniently leaving out the drastically reduced mortality rate where possible. Gotta keep that fear factory hummin'!
But past that, out of all the mask talk/discussion/arguments out there, very few conversations seem to be pressing beyond that to discuss a viable treatment, you know, to stop people from dying! We knew there would be waves of this. The point early on was to flatten the curve to ease hospital admittance. We did that; we'll do it again. But what of a treatment NOW?! So I took a look and just wanted to pass this along to viewers, because some of this confirms how many of us suspected things would work out, if you want to call it that...

After it was exposed towards the beginning of June that Lancet relied on falsified virus data to report against the very affordable hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness, data which also steered the WHO and research institutes around the world to halt trials, those trials supposedly resumed. Yet, a mere few weeks later... NIH, WHO And Novartis end hydroxychloroquine trials for COVID-19...?! That quickly? And why exactly?
Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and NIH’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) have halted hydroxychloroquine’s clinical studies conducted to assess the safety and effectiveness of the drug to treat adults with Covid-19 and Novartis, due to its inability to recruit enough patients, ended the Phase III trials of the same drug.

One week before, the FDA had revoked its emergency use authorization (EUA) for hydroxychloroquine due to a randomized controlled clinical trial that showed no clinical benefit and the lack of consistent replication of earlier promising results.

A data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) found that hydroxychloroquine is not beneficial in treating COVID-19, compared to placebo. However, NIH noted that the drug is not harmful.

DSMB recommended the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to halt the study after a fourth interim analysis.

The randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted in more than 500 patients infected with the novel coronavirus, among which 470 were recruited at the time of trial’s closure.

400mg hydroxychloroquine was given twice a day to the participants for two doses, followed by 200mg twice daily for the next eight doses, or a placebo twice daily for five days.

Meanwhile, Novartis, a Swiss pharmaceutical company suspended the phase III clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine, as the completion of the trial was infeasible due to enrollment challenges.

No conclusions have been made on the efficacy of the drug in treating COVID-19 and no safety issues have been reported, the company noted.

Due to the recruitment challenges, the clinical team was unable to collect meaningful data in a reasonable timeframe to determine the effectiveness of HCQ in treating patients with Covid-19, said Novartis.

However, Novartis will continue to supply HCQ upon government requests and for certain ongoing investigator-initiated trials (IITs).

Since HCQ showed no benefit compared to standard of care in reducing deaths, the World Health Organization also halted the clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine on June 17.
Did you get any sense that this was thorough? But just flush away all those success stories that we've all heard for months coming from medical professionals out of the mainstream who've actually treated successfully with HCQ, because the miracle drug is here...maybe...if you can even afford it! And there's the sticker shock we knew was coming...
The maker of a drug shown to shorten recovery time for severely ill COVID-19 patients says it will charge $2,340 for a typical treatment course for people covered by government health programs in the United States and other developed countries.

Gilead Sciences announced the price Monday for remdesivir, and said the price would be $3,120 for patients with private insurance. The amount that patients pay out of pocket depends on insurance, income and other factors.

...the price was swiftly criticized; a consumer group called it “an outrage” because of the amount taxpayers invested toward the drug’s development.
A $5 drug can't defeat this virus. We MUST have a $3000 one!

Now, don't misunderstand me. I do think it's great if Remdesivir is truly showing success in COVID-19 trials. But it would be helpful to actually HEAR more about that instead of the constant drumbeat of more masks, more distancing, more lockdowns away from our fellow human beings! The media would have us regress, instead of progress (which is ironic).

I guess this is my main takeaway: isn't it just friggin' typical that Big Media works overtime to quash one possible remedy (because Trump touted it), to buy time for Big Pharma to come up with their preferred alternative that'll cost you an arm and a leg?! No wonder they don't want to talk about treatment! Likewise, no wonder so many of us think they're playing politics into November at the expense of American lives.

ADDENDUM: Positive news!
Now if someone can put a muzzle on Fauci's fear factor that incites/excites a rabidly activist lib media!


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Time to awaken from that ghost land

Even Nietzsche warned when fighting monsters, beware that you yourself do not become one. It never ceases to amaze how much such warnings aren't heeded and history once again repeats itself, particularly when its lessons are ignored in pursuit of post-modern revisionist efforts that always tread too far. Discord continues, as riotous vandalism picks up against an old target. As history has shown us time and time again, first it's monuments, eventually it's people...
For millennia, King Mob has targeted societies’ icons with varied goals and to varied ends, and few things are more foreboding than his desecration of civic art. Just as the targets have ranged from rulers to clergy, from tyrants to helpless, and from the guilty to the innocent, the outcomes have ranged from victory to defeat depending on the society’s strength and will. The promise of bloodshed coming alongside or following shortly after, however, is an historic certainty. The symbols of a people never satisfy: People themselves must always come next. ...

A society that believes in itself builds monuments, a sick society does not, and a dying society watches as they are torn down. While Roman kings, French monks, American Tories, and Russian tsarists were unable to defeat the revolutions that first tore down their symbols, today in the United States we are simply unwilling.

Blood is already spilling, with civilian defenders, bystanders, workers, and rioters killed and seriously injured in cities all across the country. Without a committed and targeted crackdown on this disorder and its leaders, the committed and targeted killings of their opponents and critics will come next.

The increasingly violent mobs in our streets are chanting for it, and the revolts of human history have come to it every time. You can be sure the ghost of King Mob will see it done. He always does.
And in many ways, the cancel culture has the proverbial ball rolling in that direction with censorship, threat and ruin, targeting anyone who'd dare speak out against the ambiguity of the mob. It's as if those in the present who have nothing to live for would rather destroy everything for the rest of us, from our past to no clear future in sight...and for what? That's rather murky...
Despite our civilization’s wealth and technological prowess, many among us have been dispossessed of what matters most. ...

We are materially rich compared to the past, but many of us are spiritually and relationally impoverished, even poisoned. True sources of order, identity, and meaning have been deconstructed and dismissed. Our culture provides poor answers, or none at all, to essential questions about who we are and how we are to live. From the rioters and vandals burning, looting, and defacing to the ostensible authorities and elites allowing and approving the destruction, the absence of right understanding of human flourishing is obvious. ...

...the profound accounts of evil that Western religion and philosophy provided have been set aside for pop psychology and the half-baked Marxist leftovers of critical theory. Instead of being led to grapple with and understand the capacity for sin in each of us and in society, we are offered the shoddy substitutes of collective guilt and banal aphorisms.

...Merciless mob vengeance and cancel culture are mockeries of justice, and the half-liturgical prostrations that have become popular parts of protests are far from genuine repentance for sin. A bit of theatrical self-abasement while confessing the sins of others, and maybe a few personal sins of omission, is worth little. It does not rectify wrongs, provide forgiveness, or prevent us from returning to actively indulging sins...

Just as our culture muddles our self-understanding as moral and spiritual agents, it confuses our knowledge of our being as embodied persons. Existence demands we consider how we should live as men and women, but instead of guiding us toward fulfillment in accord with our biological natures, our culture offers us the same advice it does with regard to religion and philosophy: We are to make it up as we go along, with our only prejudice being against tradition. ...

See the poison for what it is. Our cultural leaders want to cut us off from traditional sources of identity, purpose, and fulfillment. We are instructed to create our own creeds, regard our embodied nature as optional, sever our connections to the past and future, and retreat from community and family in the present. Social media cannot fill the void this leaves, and in many ways makes it worse. ... We are being isolated.. Many people are effectively dropping out of life... Even the current violence has an unseriousness to it.

As the philosopher John Gray notes, “Woke activists … have no vision of the future. … [T]hey are infantile leftists, acting out a revolutionary performance with no strategy or plan for what they would do in power. … Rather than aiming for a better future, woke militants seek a cathartic present.” Abolishing the police is not much of a reform plan, and looting, smashing statues, and getting people fired are indulgences of destruction and cruelty for their own sake.

Rarely have would-be revolutionaries been so open about their nihilistic desire to hurt people and break things. This, as much as anything else, demonstrates the toxicity of their movement. The inability to articulate, even rhetorically, a vision of human flourishing reveals a project that is purely negative and destructive. It is societal poison, and those joining mobs are not the only ones our culture has dispossessed.

We must demonstrate that there is a better way of life, rebuilding and reinforcing the relationships and institutions that give us healthy identities and noble purposes. We must ourselves live that which we would protect and restore.
And while we must work towards a more virtuous standard of living, we cannot accept the left’s corrupted view of America as irredeemably racist...
Let’s be clear, the mobs pulling down statues make no distinction between Confederate and Union, slave-trader or abolitionist, secessionist or pro-Union. They make no distinction between American, Spanish, or Cherokee. They do not care if the monument was erected in the nineteenth century or the twenty-first.

... History tells us iconoclasm has no brakes, and is really just a precursor to something worse. The mob eventually tires of smashing statues and moves on to people.

[We] should reject the entire notion that tearing down monuments, whether to Confederates or conquistadors, can ever be considered salutary any meaningful sense. To do so would be to accept the left’s corrupted view of American history, which demands we destroy all reminders of our sinful past [specifically Democratic].

Instead of accepting that [those] sins...redound to the present day, we can choose to think differently about the wide array of monuments and statuary across our national landscape. In the process, we can perhaps learn something important about ourselves as a people.

... What better way to excise our demons than to declare that they are overthrown, they have no power over us now, and that out of many we are at last one?

If only it could be. Yet this is the very thing the woke mob rejects. The ideologues of the left have wholly accepted the 1619 Project’s frame of American history as a catalogue of crimes. That’s why they tear down monuments indiscriminately. That’s why they ban books and films, and will certainly burn them publicly before long. That’s why they indulge in performative self-righteousness, slaying long-dead enemies as if they were alive and well today. For them, they are.

... The mobs rampaging through our streets fundamentally reject an America in which the Union has won the war, in which the vision of our Founders is slowly coming to fruition, in which the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr., is alive and well.

That is not their country. They live in a land of ghosts and phantoms. They are haunted by a vision of America as an inherently wicked place. They are afflicted with bad dreams and dark thoughts.

... We need to help them wake up.
It's past time to awaken from that ghost land. Truth and knowledge (and a much-needed reality check) go a long way towards peeling away the obfuscation and getting to the core of understanding. Here's but a small sampling, but further exploration is vastly encouraged...

Related links: Erasing the Past Leaves only the Present
Black Lives Matter Does Not Care about Black Youth
Black Lives Matter Destroys Statue of Immigrant Who Died Fighting Slavery
Black Lives Matter Founder Mentored by Ex-Domestic Terrorist Who Worked with Bill Ayers
The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Where Are Conservative Leaders In This Moment?
It’s Time For Republicans To Stand Up For America Already

Trump orders law enforcement to arrest memorial vandals under federal act with up to 10-year sentence
US marshals asked to prepare to protect monuments nationwide: report
National Guard deploying unarmed personnel to protect DC monuments

ADDENDUM: And the next day's executive action...

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Patriotism is our common denominator!

Three biggies today (an extension of one lasting throughout the week)...Happy Birthday, U.S. Army & President Trump, on Flag Day!

June 14th marks the recognition of our national flag since 1777, as well as celebrates the 245th anniversary of our U.S. Army, and the 74th birthday of President Donald Trump! Is it any wonder why the man loves Old Glory and American GIs so much??

On Flag Day and throughout National Flag Week, we pay tribute to the American flag, the most recognizable symbol of the principles for which our Republic stands. For more than 200 years, the Stars and Stripes has represented liberty, justice, and the rule of law. Recently... our flag has been a reminder of the courage, tenacity, and loyalty that define the indomitable American spirit. ~ Proclamation on Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2020

On this day in 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the Continental Army to fight for our Nation’s independence. In the 245 years since, the United States Army has helped defend our freedom all over the world and has made countless contributions to our Nation’s security and the American way of life. Today, we recognize the United States Army for its many achievements and pay tribute to all those who have served in America’s oldest military branch. ~ Presidential Message on the 245th Birthday of the United States Army
The common denominator that weaves them all together: patriotism! And the American people are rallying in solidarity for our flag, our armed forces, our president, our love of country!

Rallies in support of President Donald Trump are planned around the nation Sunday as the president celebrates his 74th birthday...

In Great Falls, Montana, the Republican Party organized a car parade where participants are encouraged to "decorate your vehicle with birthday banners, USA flags and join your fellow Montanans in celebrating POTUS’ birthday," which falls on the same day as Flag Day. Events are also planned in Bozeman, Kalispell and Helena.

In Michigan, a "Make America Great Again" boat parade traveled to Detroit, where a parade of cars also rolled down Jefferson Avenue.

Some of the biggest rallies are planned in Florida. Among the planned celebrations are convoys of trucks and motorcycles – and even golf carts in one retirement community – as well as "Trumptillas," consisting of large parades of boats decked out in red, white and blue Trump gear.

Keep'er flyin' throughout the week, folks! God Bless America!!

Related link: Zogby Poll: Trump's gonna win in 2020

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Desperate FakeNews Media in election interference overdrive!

Desperate times call for desperate measures...and believe you me, the FakeNews Media is desperate!
As the presidential election nears, Democrats, the media, and NeverTrumpers realize that President Trump is still popular, incredibly at 40 percent approval among likely black voters according to Rasmussen. Their chosen candidate, Joe Biden, belongs in a memory-care center rather than the White House, as ... Joe struggles to utter a coherent sentence.

The Senate has finally awoken to its oversight responsibility and is beginning to hold hearings over the ObamaGate sedition conspiracy, which the media is dutifully refusing to cover as they are too busy chasing and fact-checking Trump’s latest tweets.

Several media stories, presented as gospel, are now crumbling as fast as the Russian collusion fable which we heard about non-stop for four years from the DNC cable news networks. It will be interesting to see now what the media chooses to cover, and what they conveniently ignore about the Chinese virus and now the peaceful protests riots.
The first story this piece delves into is one covered here extensively: how the left in both the media and (more dubiously) the medical establishment falsely discredited hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a 60yr old drug that’s actually one of the safer drugs on the market, overwhelmingly because Donald Trump touted it. They rightly point out had Barack Obama mentioned it early on as a potential treatment, it would undoubtedly be in widespread use by now. Then immediately after that last post, news broke of the whole Lancet study being FAKED!
The Lancet, a once prestigious medical journal, recently retracted a study they published, supposedly debunking any benefits of HCQ. The study was performed by a sketchy data analytics company with only five employees, four of whom joined the company only recently after Trump began mentioning hydroxy.

It appears that The Lancet was so eager to publish the paper that, “They were unable to complete an independent audit of the data underpinning their analysis.” This sounds like Rod Rosenstein’s excuse to the Senate that he was too busy to review the FISA warrant applications that he signed, authorizing the FBI to spy on a presidential campaign.

The media was quick to promote the original, but now bogus, Lancet study. Fox News NeverTrumper Neil Cavuto warned, “I cannot stress this enough, this will kill you.” Yet the Lancet’s retraction is relegated to the back pages and nary a mention by cable news. Their priority is anti-Trump propaganda, not actual journalism. A potential treatment or cure exists, yet the media and medical establishment would rather people die over their Orange Man Bad derangement than use a potentially lifesaving drug.
Sickening. These people should be held accountable, because there were certainly lives lost by not providing the opportunity to administer this medication.

Then there is the social distancing that has been deemed so important throughout the COVID-19 epidemic...
In fairness, at one time it served a purpose, to flatten the curve, preventing a potential overwhelming of medical facilities, ICU beds, and ventilators, but then became a never-ending excuse to keep the economy shut down, negating the Trump economic boom ahead of the election. From “15 days to flatten the curve” back in March to “Keep the economy shut down until November 4” to get Trump out of the White House.

A few weeks ago, at Lake of the Ozarks, cooped-up and fed-up Americans held a Memorial Day pool party. The St. Louis mayor was quick to criticize: “It’s irresponsible and dangerous to engage in such high risk behavior just to have some fun.”

Yet the St. Louis police chief seemed to have no problem with what she described as “mostly peaceful protests” with a distinct absence of social distancing, on a much larger scale than the pool party. Interestingly, two weeks after the deadly pool party, there are no new Chinese coronavirus cases reported from the Ozarks gathering.

Suddenly in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, social distancing is but a distant memory, the fake news media no longer concerned about how close people are to each other.

Over 1,000 health professionals signed a letter: “Don’t shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse.” I’ll bet these same professionals told us Americans would die on a mass scale when state governors began reopening their states. I wonder how many of these “health professionals” rendered a psychiatric diagnosis of Trump’s unfitness for office without ever examining him?
And let's just compare protests-to-protests. Here's an excellent supercut from Grabien utterly exposing the blinding double standard from both Democrats and the media on protests:
Why is there no concern over the potential surge in COVID cases due to the protests and mass gatherings in many major U.S. cities? Fake News superstar New York Times warned a few weeks ago: “Governors face intensifying pressure to reopen their economies, but experts warn it could mean thousands of new deaths.” A few weeks later, we have mass gatherings that don’t seem to faze the NY Times. Why is that?

The same mayors that threatened to arrest anyone walking on an empty beach or giving a haircut are happy to have thousands gather in their cities, defying distancing rules by orders of magnitude.

Were they lying then or are they lying now? Schools reopened in the European Union with no rise in COVID cases, despite dire warnings to the contrary. Were the media and medical establishment lying to us all along in a deliberate effort to destroy the economy ahead of a presidential election? Or are they lying now about the dangers of the protests since the protests can be used for political advantage?
GREAT questions that we likely already have the answer to, but you'll never get out of an unfree liberal press hellbent on regaining power for their party by any means. And there are many more examples of their collective desperation. Rush pointed out a particularly humorous one this past week...
So the deep state, the establishment, the elites, whatever you want to call ’em, they’re not gonna let up trying to make Donald Trump out to be a dictator, all because the Park Police cleared Lafayette Park 15 minutes before curfew. I want to show you a couple of pictures. Put the picture up of Trump at St. John’s Church.

This is what’s got ’em so bent out of shape.

“How dare he! Why, he took a book, the Bible — which he hasn’t even read, probably — and he used the military to clear out decent Americans so he could get a picture!” When did the Park Police become “the military” anyway? So, anyway, there’s Trump, the photo-op. This has just sent them to orbit. Let me show you another picture.

Put the one of Bill Clinton up. There’s Bill Clinton in front of the same church if you’re watching the Dittocam. Same church. Same book, the Bible. Clinton walked over there to try to distract everybody that he was shtupping the intern with a cigar and with a slice of pizza.

He went over there “to try to get closer to God,” and they didn’t think a thing of it. Trump went to the church to celebrate people coming together to repair it after it had been torched the night before! When Clinton goes over there with his Bible, it’s a beautiful thing and nobody’s worried about anybody becoming a dictator.
I should note that there's debate about that being the exact same church...but I should also note that's actually NOT THE DAMN POINT! These libs.

One last one before wrapping this up. One week after the fake media condemned Trump's ‘photo-op’ in front of the historic St. John’s Church that had been set afire and damaged during the riots, the same media clowns praises Pelosi and Democrats kneeling...

One week after endless condemnation of President Donald Trump’s visit to a historic church across from the White House as nothing more than a dictatorial photo-op created by clearing protestors to make way for the emperor, the media has run wild with rampant praise of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s courageous tribute to collective white guilt in the U.S. Capitol.

“Open your eyes, America. Open your eyes! We are teetering on a dictatorship. This is chaos!” CNN’s Don Lemon, 54, shouted in a very calm and reasoned analysis as Trump held up the bible in front of the damaged church from previous night’s rioting. “Is the president declaring war on Americans?!”

Unsurprisingly, the rest of the media followed suit, charging Trump with ordering the use of tear gas to disperse a mythologically peaceful crowd just so the president could pose with a bible at the church, despite no such tear gas being deployed. ...

Fast-forward to one week later when Speaker Pelosi stages an actual photo-op to atone for generational white sins while wearing kente cloth, and Democratic lawmakers are paraded as righteous heroes in the cause for social justice.

“Democrats take knee in US Congress in George Floyd tribute,” headlined Yahoo News. 
“Pelosi and Schumer kneel for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to mourn George Floyd,” headlined the New York Daily News. “Congressional Democrats take a knee as they observe a nearly nine minute moment of silence for George Floyd at Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol,” wrote ABC News.

There was no mention of any kind of photo op.
So, here's the point of reviewing all this absurdity...
As continued efforts to thwart Trump’s reelection ramp up, expect to see fake news blossom like spring flowers. From blatant falsehoods about tear gas in Lafayette Park to the White House going dark, the media will continue to lie rather than report the news, all in effort to interfere in an election. Funny I thought that was grounds for impeachment a few months ago. Remember as Q says, the news is fake, but the war is real.
Get ready for plenty more through the summer, into the fall, all the way up to the 11th hour of election day, and I'm sure well into that night. The cabal is probably prepping another dossier for President Trump's 2nd term victory! Just some helpful advice: start prepping now for more outRAGE...

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Reflecting on a week of racial unrest

After witnessing the obvious murder of George Floyd, no matter where your political alliances reside, we were ALL united in how we felt (and still feel) about it...

There was little disagreement that it was WRONG and that something needed to be legally changed to prevent this flagrant misuse of authority from occurring again. There was a coalescence of unity, until the riots came and violent activism entered the fray...
The country is dealing with a period of unrest. It’s bad. Riots have engulfed most of the country’s major metropolitan areas for the past week. It’s all over the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police. It was an atrocity. Floyd was unarmed. He was arrested for a nonviolent crime. Floyd was subdued, handcuffed, and was killed when Officer Derek Chauvin, who has since been fired, kept his knee on the back of his neck as he was lying face down on the ground. Chauvin kept it there for nearly ten minutes. Floyd is heard calling out that he couldn’t breathe. Chauvin has been charged with second-degree murder. The three other officers involved in the incident were also fired and charged with aiding and abetting murder. There should be protests. This is an outrage. The use of force was outrageous, and I hope justice is served. In fact, that was the opinion for the vast majority of the country. Everyone was outraged over Floyd’s death. But that unity collapsed when rioters set a police headquarters on fire in the third precinct of Mill City and started to loot, vandalize, and set fires everywhere.
Rioting, looting and burning businesses and communities down to avenge police authority's excessive use of force rapidly replaced the tone of protest, working against and critically damaging what could have been a just civil rights cause...
When it comes to race relations, anyone who thinks rioting is the answer doesn’t grasp the question. Burning, looting and committing mayhem doesn’t bend the moral arc of the universe; it breaks it.

Peaceful protests over George Floyd’s killing have been overshadowed by images of rage-fueled violence and destruction. Resorting to rioting is strange because there is little disagreement that Floyd’s death in custody was senseless and criminal. ... Yet rioting sparked and spread. There is no rational purpose behind people burning buildings, torching cars, breaking windows, spray-painting obscenities and the other actions that have left city blocks looking like war zones. Some say these are expressions of anger and frustration, and maybe so, but they are also unjustified, foolish and counterproductive. While peaceful protesters are trying to create sympathy and build understanding, the rioters have undone that effort with flying bricks and flaming city blocks.
These weren't protests — they were riots. Period. Counterproductive to anything MLK supported in the struggle for civil rights, and apparently in opposition to what became of Floyd's own outlook prior to his untimely death...

When the unity collapsed, though, it quickly became a security issue that needed to be quelled (despite the media's stoking). After a week's worth, and finally aided by the National Guard activating across over half the states, things appear to be somewhat cooling and hopefully returning to some semblance of regular protest. Yet, even some of that is suspect however, due to the groups involved.

Reflecting over the week's upheaval, there appears to be a hydra-head of organizations that have latched onto Floyd's killing and utterly hijacked the cause...

The fury vented on the streets is not about George Floyd, his death was the spark but the fire has been planned for two generations.
Calls to defund or abolish the police are not about restoring an open and liberal society, they are about tearing it down and seizing power.

Arguably the most disturbing thing about the recent riots (yes, riots) following the murder (yes, murder) of George Floyd is the shocking alacrity and speed by which it devolved from protesting to plundering.

There was contrivance in all this madness: Cops discovering caches of combustible materials hidden in bushes; Mask-clad protesters hitting key targets.

Police found a busload of weapons in Ohio. In some cases, a peaceful protest would formally come to an end before curfew and the moment the peaceful leaders stepped away, violent agitators took center stage.

In the personal recordings of local protesters, the divide is quite clear: those working for a better world and those seeking to bury it. There is now a permanent faction in the liberal movement.

And of course damnable Big Media is right there alongside 'em, playing their part in the hijacking, stoking the flames, spreading disinformation and outright lies...

Despite mainstream media reports, antifa are not noble, well-intentioned activists but anarchists who use violence for their own ends destabilize and destroy society.
The entire narrative the media glommed onto in lockstep was that Trump was a monster who tear-gassed peaceful protesters to do something meaningless. None of that was true.
What’s happening now is a war, and the truth is on the line. We have to be very vigilant to ensure that what we believe and what we say is based upon accurate information, something that’s hard when you can’t trust our institutions anymore for reliable information.
The media lied about the Russia collusion hoax, about the Mueller probe, about impeachment, about the coronavirus—and now they’re lying about the riots.
...and inevitably ALWAYS blaming Trump...never mind this century's other presidents, who when it came to even attempting to improve the black community did very little...
President Trump had nothing to do with what is taking place in these cities. In fact, he immediately directed the Justice Department to provide assistance to state and local law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting the killing of George Floyd. The federal civil rights division, criminal division, and all other elements of federal law enforcement acted with lightening speed to ensure that justice would be done. The president has repeatedly spoken in conciliatory tones about the awful killing of Mr. Floyd. The entire nation was and is united behind the prosecution of this ex-police officers. But the Democrat leadership, the media, and the Left generally see this as another opportunity to viciously attack him and defeat him...

Trump's policy and economic record in addressing inner city problems far exceeds both Obama's and Bush's 16-year presidencies combined. Both speak of systemic racism, trashing all Americans as irretrievably racist, whether they know it or not. What an appalling smear of we, the people, and the greatest nation on earth. What a detestable lie about the men and women, of all races and backgrounds, who work hard everyday and built this country into the world's beacon of liberty. And the two ex-presidents say little about the victims of the rioting and looting, the war on first responders, etc., as they are more concerned about their legacies and what the media will think of them. Meanwhile, they failed the people and communities they now claim to speak for, as Bush paints and pontificates from his Waco ranch, and Obama enriches himself like no ex-president in American history.

~ Mark Levin, 6/4/20 FB post & more on audio rewind

But don't you dare allude to there being no systemic racism in policing, even when the evidence bares that out (check out this thread in its entirety)...
...or say anything that condemns the selective outrage of virtue-signaling progressives, which completely misses the mark towards policy changes, much less unity...
There is near-unanimous agreement: George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. No matter their race, gender, religion or ideology, Americans across the country came together after they watched the brutal and shocking video of Floyd's murder.

But then came the mob of privileged white progressives to exploit this moment and declare themselves brave for speaking up. Spending less time talking about Floyd, and more about why they personally have experienced an awakening, these upscale urbanites turned a tragic death into an opportunity to pat themselves on the backs. And though you didn't ask, they are quick to tell you that they proudly fight bigotry.

Except, they don't. They only talk about fighting bigotry when it's part of a bigger movement they can attach themselves to.
The attempt to hold all whites responsible for the death of Floyd shows what a dead-end woke politics is.
The left’s multi-decade project to teach everyone that America is irredeemably racist has led to the emergence of a new regime in American life.
All decent Americans stand against racism. But if we’re to live as brothers, we must stop indicting all those who share a skin tone for the sins of others.
But what if these occurrences have more to do with the exploitation or misuse of authority than racial injustices? And what if we’re allowing the media narrative of the few to take hold of the many & further divide us? For what purpose(s)? It’s typically politics and how the few in power seek to run our country and our lives, because it’s easier to control groups of people if everyone has been factionalized, and it's easier to conquer the whole when we're divided. Nope, not supposed to talk about these very real issues that might just unite us. Goes against the narrative. Well, these courageous voices are rejecting media's racism and victimhood narratives, as well calling out #BlackLivesMatter for aiding such division...
Prominent black conservatives are seeing how the mainstream media are using the death of George Floyd — to portray America as racist, to vilify all police officers, to force the mantle of victimhood onto black Americans — and they are calling foul.

Notable figures including Candace Owens, Rob Smith, Terrence K. Williams, and Keith and Kevin Hodge are rejecting the roles that Democrat politicians and establishment journalists have assigned to black Americans in the wake of the protests and violent riots that have paralyzed major cities during the last seven days.

For their decision to speak out, they are being called “Uncle Tom’s,” “coons,” and white supremacists by left-wingers.
And with those latter few, but really taking all of this into account, consider how much these lives mattered before they were swallowed up by the ensuing mayhem, the majority of whom you can clearly see are Americans of color...

...the violence didn’t end with buildings reduced to ashes or broken windows. Lives can’t be replaced. Fifteen people have died since the protests, riots and looting began, including a former police captain, an officer of the DHS and a peaceful protester who was just trying to get home. They are, for the most part, young people. Like Floyd, many of them are minorities themselves.

Perhaps we can see the conflict here when we're constantly being told that America is systemically racist, yet the vast majority of its citizenry stand in solidarity with the black community over the unjust killing of George Floyd, not out of a sense of collective guilt or from any other virtue signaling, but out of a clear moral conviction that it was WRONG. The same kind of wrong that it was for these innocent people to lose their lives in all of the chaos that came afterwards. Whatever changes are made to avoid any of this from happening to anyone else must be approached with understanding on both sides, authority and civilian. And we must also reject what far too much of this devolved into from those forces that would seek to divide us. We've come too far in making a better place for ALL Americans.
ALMIGHTY God, who hast created man in thine own image; Grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil, and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice among men and nations, to the glory of thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Related links: Black Business Owner Confronts Looters in Los Angeles - 1992 L.A. Riots
WATCH: Black store owner decries looting, gives EPIC response to ‘black lives matter’
I Must Object: A rebuttal to Brown University’s letter on racism in the United States
Horowitz: New Marxist frontiers: The riots cured the incurable virus

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

NASA and SpaceX supply inspiration and unity over turmoil and division

With all the negativity we're constantly inundated with (and we've seen plenty over the past year, month and week), we need not brush aside what we're getting right. Saturday was one of those moments that we should remember with our families and for future generations...

Before gearing up for yet another launch tomorrow (resuming satellite launches), I, among many, am still in awe of the reboot of America's space program over the weekend. And the viewership numbers seem to prove that sentiment out, as SpaceX's 1st astronaut launch proved to be NASA's most-watched online event ever!
NASA's "Launch America" drew much of the nation in. On Saturday (May 30), SpaceX launched its first-ever crewed mission, a test flight called Demo-2 that sent NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to the International Space Station (ISS).

The liftoff was the first orbital crewed launch to depart from American soil since NASA retired its space shuttle fleet in 2011. And a record number of people tuned in to watch the milestone online, agency officials said.

"We’re still collecting the data, but some of our metrics are saying that peak viewership for the joint NASA-SpaceX launch broadcast across all of our platforms was at least 10.3 million concurrent viewers — the most-watched event we’ve ever tracked," NASA Associate Administrator for Communications Bettina Inclán said during a news conference on Sunday (May 31), shortly after Behnken and Hurley's Crew Dragon capsule arrived at the ISS.

To be clear: The record Demo-2 just broke is for internet traffic, not viewership of all kinds. For example, it's estimated that about 600 million people — one-sixth the global population at the time — watched the Apollo 11 moon landing on TV on July 20, 1969.

In the midst of everything going on out there, VP Pence also brought up an interesting comparison of the times...
Several high-ranking American officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, have drawn parallels between the famed Apollo missions and Demo-2, noting that both took place in times of extreme turmoil and division in the United States.

Apollo's backdrop included protests against the Vietnam War and widespread civil-rights abuses. And today the nation is beset by the coronavirus pandemic and social unrest stemming from the tragic May 25 death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

The Saturn V rockets that launched the Apollo missions "rose above the tumult and the clamor of their times. They were a symbol of national strength and unity," Pence said on Saturday shortly after Demo-2's liftoff. "I believe with all my heart that millions of Americans today will find the same inspiration and unity of purpose that we found in those days in the 1960s."

Right on. And this is the uplifting unity we want to remember of this time, not the turmoil and division manufactured out there. Reach for the stars once again, pioneers.
Related links: With SpaceX's first astronaut launch, a new era of human spaceflight has dawned
SpaceX's 1st Crew Dragon with astronauts docks at space station in historic rendezvous
SpaceX's Crew Dragon has that 'new car smell' and flies 'totally different' than a NASA shuttle
Watch NASA astronauts fly SpaceX’s Crew Dragon using touchscreens